Danish Health and Medicines Authority Denmark Dr. Else Smith Chief Medical Officer and Director General National Board of Health Chronic diseases – a challenge for all of us
Danish Health and Medicines Authority Denmark 2 Challenge one We live longer – with well known risk factors
Danish Health and Medicines Authority Denmark 3 1,5 million Danes live with a chronic disease In a typical municipality with 50,000 inhabitants: 2-3,000 citizens with type 2 diabetes 2,000 citizens with heart disease 2,000 citizens with COPD 2,300 citizens with cancer 8,000 citizens with muscular-skeletal disease 2,000 citizens with depression
Danish Health and Medicines Authority Denmark 4 In a typical Danish municipality with 50,000 inhabitants 10,000 smokers 17,000 citizens that are not adequately physically active 20,000 overweight citizens 4,700 citizens who drink more alcohol than the high risk limits of 14/21 units per week
Danish Health and Medicines Authority Denmark 5 Challenge two The health care systems ability to handle patients with chronic diseases
Danish Health and Medicines Authority Denmark 6 Targeting the risk factors and diseases Prevention Early detection Treatment Rehabilitation In a proactive, coherent and continuous process
Danish Health and Medicines Authority Denmark 7 Targeting the health care system The overall structure of the health care system A citizen and patient-centered service focused on patient education and self-management 7 Highly specialised treatment/care (Assisted/)Specialized Care in the region for Multimorbidity/Multiple Risk Factor Management Community health care/ primary care including prevention, treatment and rehabilitation