W HAT IS IR AND HOW TO STUDY IR? What is IR? is the study of relationships between countries, including the roles of states, inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and multinational corporations (MNCs). And other can be counted also
W HAT IS IR AND HOW TO STUDY IR? How to study IR? Case study Theories Media
T HE S TATE AND I NTERNATIONAL O RGANIZATIONS The State The traditional literature in international relations begins with, and focuses on, states. From a political perspective, states have power, both military and economic, that other institutions or individuals do not. From a legal perspective, states are sovereign. According to International law (Elements): Government Territory Population Capacity to enter into relation
T HE S TATE AND I NTERNATIONAL O RGANIZATIONS International Organizations Do IOs matter? What are their effects on international relations? How should we study them?
S OVEREIGNTY AND G LOBALIZATION Sovereignty Internal sovereignty refers to autonomy, the ability of the state to make and enforce its own rules domestically. (Congo) External sovereignty refers to the recognition of the state by other states, the acceptance of the state by the international community. (Taiwan)
S OVEREIGNTY AND G LOBALIZATION Globalization The observation that a set of transnational forces, ranging from mobile investment capital to global environmental degradation, is limiting the ability of states to make independent policy decisions. Make policy through IOs State need to adapted to new Economic force The result state must force to join IOS although limited the internal sovereignty
R EALISM, I NTERNATIONALISM, AND U NIVERSALISM Realism: is a dominant school of thinking within the international relations discipline that prioritizes national interest and security over ideology, moral concerns and social reconstructions. Internationalism: a political movement that advocates a greater economic and political cooperation among nations. Universalism: in its primary meaning refers to religious, theological, and philosophical concepts with universal ("applying to all") application or applicability.
G LOBALIZATION AND D EMOCRACY WTO seem to be Internationalism But other seem to focus much on Universalism such as WHO, ILO or UNEP