Cammy Huang Director, WGLN January 17, 2008 I2 Wallenberg Global Learning Network Innovations in Education
WGLN Projects
Building community and best practices Video conferences Marratech Skype Face-to-face
RUN Remote University Network for Human Performance Biology, math, physics, and experimentation in a global project-based global exercise science course. Matheson, Garza, Rydmark, Göteborg University
Bio-HOPE Hands-On Possibilities and Experiences in Biology Education Interactive virtual labs and live remote- controlled laboratory experiences that study fish migration in relation to global warming enhance the understanding of basic scientific concepts in biology, link structure with function promote inquiry- based learning 5 Epel & Axelsson : Göteborg University, Linköping University
Virtual Labs: K-12 Implementation Implementation of web-based materials for high schools Library of interactive media in biology and reusable frameworks (games, quizzes) to engage students, interconnect disciplines, and help visualize difficult scientific concepts. impact and sustainability Open access web-based content in a modular format scaled for teachers to use in high school. Present a framework on how to implement technology materials into classrooms Topics: Neuroscience (3D brain, cranial nerves, vision), physiology systems (CV, respiratory, GI), immunology, health ed 6 Garza, Rydmark, Axelsson, Yoder, Göteborg University, Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium
CNS:VP CNS: Visual Perspectives in Neuroscience An interactive 3D brain atlas is used to help medical students visualize complex structures, understand functional relationships, and develop spatial skills 7 Josephson & Clandinin: Karolinska Institute
K-12 conversion CNS: Visual Perspectives Virtual Labs BrainBox Brain Slicing with MRIs What’s Your Reaction Time? Play with your 3-D Brain! myVirtualBody
Building Blocks of Knowledge
Contact: Funded by: Wallenberg Global Learning Network