Development Education and Strategy for DESD DEAR Development Education Association and Resource Center
DEAR’s Aims 1. To support and facilitate learning programs and activities on development education (D/E) in schools and communities. 2. To collect and disseminate information on D/E 3. To promote research on D/E 4. To advocate and campaign on D/E 5. To network D/E and global education organizations overseas
History of DEAR First Symposium on Development Education was held in Tokyo in 1979 Development Education Council of Japan (now DEAR) was formed in 1982 Regional Seminars started in seminars been held in 44 prefectures.
History of DEAR DEAR redefined D/E in 1997, which includes most of global issues. Three Years Planning a. new learning method b. curriculum development c. partnership among schools, communities and NGOs d. study of the concept of the various ‘ development ’
DEAR defines D/E D/E is the education and learning in schools and communities to raise awareness and understanding of developmental issues, and to discuss the development for a better future. It also seeks changes of attitudes and morale to participate in solving developmental issues.
Principles of D/E To understand the diversity of culture To raise awareness of unequal situations of the development To understand the interrelatedness of global issues – development, environment, human rights, gender etc. To empower people for participation to solve these issues
Projects of DEAR Annual National Conference in Fukuoka 2. Workshops and Seminars of curriculum development and participatory learning 3. Exchange visit to UK 4. ESD Seminar in Chiangmai 5. Publication of Journals, Newsletters, Handbooks, Teaching materials, etc. 6. Advocacy
Membership 1,000 Members Including 60 Organizations Half are school teachers Half are NGOs, local government staff, community leaders, students, etc.
Structure Specified Nonprofit Corporation (NPO) Annual General Meeting 27 Board members 20 Task teams 5 Staff Interns and Volunteers
Publications Talk for Peace New Trading Game
DEAR’s Strategy for ESD - School Education Teaching materials of ESD Curriculum Development Teacher training for participatory learning
For Community and NGOs Facilitator Training Partnership NGOs and ESD
Advocacy ESD in every walk of 2010 curriculum Evaluation of Local Agendas and new approaches to local policy of community development
Partnership Partnership with environmental education and international education in Japan Cooperation with ESD-J Exchange with Global educationists in Europe -with DEA in Britain -with North-south Centre (Council of Europe)
Asian-Pacific Partnership Asian-Pacific networking on ESD -with ESD group in Chiangmai -with Development NGOs in Seoul -with ASPBAE groups
Our network
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