Premolars restored with post & core before crown Many a times endodontically treated premolars do not offer sufficient support especially for a PFM crown. So in such cases it is preferable to use a post & core to augment support for the crown. Excellence in General Dental practice series by Dr. Veerendra Darakh
This lower right first premolar had to be endodontically treated. It was reinforced by a glass fiber post. As would be obvious there is not much support for a PFM crown. Glass fiber post Tooth no: 3-4 Name: Mrs. S. Siddiqui
A nickel chrome crown was made for this patient. It come out along with the coronal tooth structure within 3 months. As there was no coronal tooth structure it was decided to build up the crown using glass fiber posts and core build up was done by a self cure composite core build up material Name: K R R M Tooth no : 1-4 Excellence in General Dental practice series by Dr. Veerendra Darakh
Tooth no : 1-4 Two glass fiber posts of different diameters Excellence in General Dental practice series by Dr. Veerendra Darakh Name: K R R M Therefore this tooth was reinforced by glass fiber posts. Two posts of slightly different diameters had to be used. After core build upAfter crown cutting
Tooth no: 2-4 Metal post Excellence in General Dental practice series by Dr. Veerendra Darakh This tooth was reinforced with a metal post. The core built up material was composite. Name: Mrs. N. Kurup The posts can be selected according to the diameter & length of the canal, availability & personal preferences of the operator.
The length of the post in the canal should be at least the height of the clinical crown. The posts should fit passively in the canal. CLP will also be required in a few cases Excellence in General Dental practice series by Dr. Veerendra Darakh Join us on facebook :