Fall 2012 Organic Chemistry Lab CHML211 Lab Schedule, Course Policies, and Safety Information
Prerequisite/Required Materials PREREQUISITE: Grade of “C” or better in CHM102! REQUIRED TEXTS/SUPPLIES: 1.LAB MANUAL: –Organic Chemistry: Chemistry Laboratory Manual Fall 2010 Edition—previous editions are unacceptable 2.LAB NOTEBOOK: –Organic Chemistry Laboratory Notebook 3.SAFETY GLASSES/GOGGLES: –Can be glasses or goggles, as long as they form a complete seal around eyes!
Course Website
Lab Schedule Exp. #Experiment Title ***Introduction to Lab: Policies, Safety, Report Formatting 1Structure, Intermolecular Forces, and Solubility 4TLC and HPLC Analysis of Nitroanilines 6Extraction of Analgesics 7Recrystallization, Melting Point, and HPLC Analysis of Analgesics 3Stereochemistry and Molecular Modeling of Cycloalkanes Quiz 1(Exp. 1, 4, 6, 7) 5Column Chromatographic Separation of Nitroanilines 8Bromination of Stilbene—Green Synthesis 2Distillation and Gas Chromatography of Alkanes Quiz 2 (Exp. 3, 5, 8) 10Acid-Catalyzed Dehydration of an Alcohol with Rearrangement 9*Stereochemistry: Enantiomers and Diastereomers 11Conversion of an Alcohol to an Alkyl Halide with Rearrangement 12Base-Promoted Elimination of HBr from an Alkyl Halide Lab Checkout Quiz 3 (Exp. 2, 9, 10, 11, 12) Actual dates depend on lab day. Please see your syllabus for specific dates.
Attendance Policy All labs are mandatory. No make-up labs for any reason. Missed lab = zero (regardless of reason). Missing 3+ labs = F for course. Athletic events are NOT excused absences.
Grading Lab is graded separately than lecture! –Quizzes (45%) –Final Lab Reports (55%) Course Grading: –A = , B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 60-69, F = 59 and below. –Plus (+) or minus (-) grades may be awarded at the discretion of the instructor.
Lab Quizzes 3 lab quizzes, 3-5 experiments on each. Full experiment after all quizzes! Plan on staying for the entire lab period! Make up quizzes will only be allowed for excused absences. –To have a quiz absence excused, the student must: before beginning of lab Bring doctor’s note
Final Lab Reports All lab assignments will be available on the course website. Final Lab Reports consist of: –Pre-Lab Assignments (20 pts) –In-Lab Assignments (20 pts) –Post-Lab Assignments (50 pts) –Lab Technique/Preparation (10 pts) Due dates announced by instructor. Late reports = 5% penalty per day –Once lab reports are returned to students graded, NO MORE WILL BE ACCEPTED!
Lab Technique You are responsible for your own safety! –Be prepared and familiar with safety hazards! –Wear proper shoes and eye protection! –Common sense and thinking are REQUIRED. You are responsible for cleaning up after yourself! –YOU. Not your lab instructor. If we clean, you pay.
Personal Electronics Cell phone use WILL NOT BE tolerated. –Turn ON SILENT OR VIBRATE before lab and PUT IT AWAY! –YOURS rings = you leave = ZERO –Cannot use phone as calculator during quizzes! Laptops and desktop computers use is allowed for lab related activities ONLY. Ipod use is not acceptable in lab!
Other Issues Please refer to the online syllabus for information regarding: –Learning Outcomes –Academic Integrity –Students with Disabilities –Violence and Harassment
Safety in the Organic Lab Follow instructions at all times! Act responsibly at all times! No food or drinks on lab benches! Dress appropriately for lab! Come prepared! Know what you are going to do, and what the hazards are! Report all accidents to the instructor, no matter how small.
Acceptable Clothing for Lab… DO wear –Goggles/safety glasses –Closed-toe shoes –Tie back long hair DON’T wear –Sandals/flip-flops –Jewelry –Loose or baggy clothing
Lab Safety Equipment Safety Shower Eyewash Safety Goggles/glasses
Lab Safety Equipment Fire Extinguisher Fume Hood
Accidents and Injuries Report ALL injuries to lab instructor IMMEDIATELY, no matter how minor. Be aware of hazards associated with each chemical and technique you will use in the experiment! Complete an Injury Report Form.
First Aid Eye accidents: Wash eyes in stream of water using eyewash station for 15 minutes! Chemical burns: Immediately flush the affected area with a large amount of water in the sink! Use safety shower if necessary! Thermal burns: Determine the type and extent of the burn. Take appropriate action. –1 st degree: red skin, no blisters. Immerse in cold water/apply ice. –2 nd degree: blisters. Immerse in cold water, then apply clean gauze. –3 rd degree: broken skin, tissue damage. Cover with clean gauze. Visit the Health Center.
First Aid Bleeding, cuts, and abrasions: –Clean wound with soap and warm water. –Apply pressure with clean gauze pad until bleeding stops. –Cover wound with bandage or clean gauze pad and secure. Poisoning: –If, after contact with, inhalation of, or accidental ingestion of a chemical, you experience discoloration of the lips, a burning sensation in the throat, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, or confusion, seek treatment IMMEDIATELY for chemical poisoning!
UNCW Safety Contract READ Laboratory Rules and Guidelines (p. vii) CAREFULLY! READ, SIGN, AND SUBMIT safety contract (p. xi) to instructor!
Waste Disposal Waste disposal procedures are at end of the procedure for each experiment. If you do not know which waste goes where, ASK! NOTHING DOWN THE SINK!