Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 1 Committed to Shaping the Next Generation of IT Experts. Chapter 4- Proficiency: Relational Databases, Pivot Charts, and the Switchboard Robert Grauer and Maryann Barber Exploring Microsoft Access 2003
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 2 Objectives Import data from Excel into Access database Create a one-to-many relationship Create a report containing a relationships diagram Use the Get External Data command Create and modify a multiple-table select query
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 3 Objectives (continued) Create a totals query Use Microsoft Graph to create a chart based on a table or query Create and modify a switchboard Compact and repair a database
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 4 Get External Data Get External Data command Export command Import Spreadsheet Wizard Import Text Wizard Importing versus linking
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 5 Demo On Importing Data From Excel
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 6 Creating Relationships Relational Data Bases Creating Related Tables FROM: Foreign key in Source table TO: Primary Key in Target table
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 7 Multiple-Table Queries One-to-many relationship Primary key Foreign key Referential integrity
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 8 Demo On Relating Tables Using UsedCars Database
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 9 Demo On Exporting Data To Excel -- Used Cars Database
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 10 Multiple Table Query Foreign key in Clients table Relationship between tables (one to many) Primary key in Consultants table Each field and table to display
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 11 Hands-on Exercise 1 Title of Exercise: Importing Data From Excel Objective: to import an Access table from an Excel workbook; create a one-to-many relationship, and create a multiple-table query Input file: Investment workbook (Excel) Investment database (Access) Output file: Investment workbook Investment database (modified)
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 12 Total Queries Summary functions Total row Group By Count function Sum function
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 13 Total Query Click drop down arrow in Total row Select Count from drop-down menu
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 14 Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts Pivot tables compute summary stats for the records according to supplied parameters Pivot chart provides the same information in graphical form
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 15 Pivot Tables
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 16 Pivot Chart
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 17 Chart Wizard (1 of 6) Choose the Query
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 18 Chart Wizard (2 of 6) Select the fields to be included in the chart Removes only the selected field Inserts all fields Removes all fields Inserts the selected field
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 19 Chart Wizard (3 of 6) Description of The currently Selected chart type Select the chart type
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 20 Chart Wizard (4 of 6) Preview the chart
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 21 Chart Wizard (5 of 6) Title the chart Legend display option
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 22 Chart Wizard (6 of 6) The completed chart
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 23 Hands-on Exercise 2 Title of Exercise: Total Queries, Charts, and Pivot Tables Objective: to create a total query; to use Microsoft Graph to present data from an Access object in graphical form Input file: Investment database (after exercise 1) Output file: Investment database (modified)
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 24 The User Interface Switchboard Switchboard Manager Switchboard Items table
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 25 Switchboard Manager Graphic About Investments form
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 26 Other Access Utilities Convert Database command Changes the file format to an earlier version of Access Compact and Repair Database command Compact: Reduces file size Repair: Automatically run if unable to open an Access database
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 27 Compact the Database Select the Database to compact Click Compact
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 28 Hands-on Exercise 3 Title of Exercise: The Switchboard Manager Objective: to create a switchboard and user interface; to compact a database. Input file: Investment database (after exercise 2) Output file: Investment database (modified)
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 29 Chapter 4 Summary One-to-many relationships A query can display data from multiple tables The Get External Data command A Total query performs calculations on a group of records using summary functions
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 30 Chapter 4 Summary (continued) Pivot table/chart displays summary stats for records in a table according to supplied parameters Switchboard Manager creates the user interface Convert Database command changes an Access 2000 file to a previous version
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 31 End-of-chapter Exercises Multiple Choice Practice With Access Exercise 1 – The Oscars Exercise 2 – Definitely Needlepoint Exercise 3 – Metro Zoo Exercise 4 – The Shopping Mall Exercise 5 – Best Realty Exercise 6 – The Fishing Pole Exercise 7 – Database Wizard
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 32 End-of-chapter Exercises (continued) Practice With Access (continued) Exercise 8 – The HMO Database On Your Own Recreational Sports League The Franchise The Loan Officer
Exploring Office Grauer and Barber 33 Questions?