Santa Ana Unified School District 2011 CST Enter School Name Version: Intermediate
Presentation Goals SAUSD CST Highlights and Data Mat Our School’s CST Results AYP and API Next Steps Helpful Reports on DataDirector to View STAR Results
Reflecting on last year... In departments, What were your goals last year for the CST? What did you do to achieve those goals?
CST Scores 2011 CST Results
Q: How are the CST results reported to schools and teachers? Site administrators and staff receive CST results of: ◦ Individual students ◦ Classes ◦ Grade levels ◦ Schools ◦ District ◦ County ◦ And, overall state performance
SAUSD Data Mats Work with a partner to examine the Data Mat... What do you notice within your subject area/s and grades? What do you notice about other subject areas? What patterns do you notice overall from elementary through high school in the various subject areas?
Santa Ana Highlights English–Language Arts We had more than 900 additional students score proficient and advanced from 2009 to 2011 in English Language Arts; a 5.9% overall increase from Overall growth in the percent proficient and advanced in English Language Arts increased from 2% to 5% in Grades 2-5, 7-8, and from the prior year. Percent proficient and advanced increased 5% in English Language Arts in Grades 3 and 7 from the prior year. Mathematics In Mathematics, we had more than 1,800 additional students score proficient and advanced from 2009 to 2011; a 8.5% overall increase from Grade 4 exceeded the 2011 NCLB Target (68.5%) in Mathematics for Overall growth in the percent proficient and advanced in Mathematics increased from 2% to 8% in Grades 2-7 from the prior year. Increased percent proficient and advanced in Algebra I (Grades 10-11), Geometry (Grade 10), and Algebra II (Grade 11) from the prior year. There was an increase of approximately 250 students in Grade 10 Algebra II while maintaining the same percent proficient and advanced from the prior year.
Santa Ana Highlights (cont.) History-Social Science There was an increase in the percent proficient and advanced in History- Social Science; furthermore, there is a general trend of yearly increases since 2007 in Grade 8, 10, and 11. Science The number of students scoring proficient and advanced in Grade 5 Science increased by 3% from the prior year. Overall growth in the percent proficient and advanced in Biology (Grades 10-11) increased from 2% to 4% from the prior year. There was a 3% increase in Grade 10 Chemistry and a 6% increase in Grade 11 Physics in percent proficient and advanced from the prior year.
Our School’s 3-Year CST Summary Report What do you notice? Are these results what you expected based on what you did? Insert your school’s 3 –Year CST Summary Report Here
Now, let’s go deeper... Look at your subject and grade reports based on the and CSTs Look within subject and also look outside your subject area What do you notice? What questions might you have?
Next Steps: Think about what you discussed and your feedback from your colleagues Recommendation: Discuss within your dept. and with your administrator to determine your goals for this year
State and Federal Accountability systems
Our Accountability System Federal Accountability Status model Every school & district has the same target. Targets reach 100% proficient by Type of rating=Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Meets or does not meet AYP State Accountability Growth model with a statewide performance goal of 800 Schools and all subgroups have growth goals. Type of rating=Academic Performance Index (API) Scale of Source: California Department of Education (CDE) The CST is used for both Accountability Systems. The AYP also includes CAPA, CMA (All Schools) & CAHSEE (For High Schools)
Adequate Yearly Progress - AYP Academic Performance Index - API Components of AYP Participation rate Percent Proficient API Graduation rate All Proficient and Advanced Students Count on your score Components of API Advanced 1000 Proficient 875 Basic 700 Below Basic 500 Far Below Basic 200 Every Student Counts
AYP Percent Proficient Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Elementary and Middle Schools are based on: The California Standards Tests (CSTs) The California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for students with severe cognitive disabilities California Modified Assessment (CMA) High Schools are based on: Results from the Grade 10 California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) administration The California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for students with severe cognitive disabilities in English-language arts and mathematics in grade 10 NCLB prohibits the use of norm-referenced test data in measuring student achievement
Annual Measurable Objectives To achieve AYP, a school must meet or exceed Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) schoolwide and for each student subgroup: Economically disadvantaged Major ethnic and racial groups Students with disabilities English language learners
AMOs: English language arts Elementary and Middle Schools
AMOs: Math Elementary / Middle Schools
API Test Weights
You may want to insert your KDS API and AYP Reports here. If you are unable to locate them, please contact SAUSD Dept. of Research and Evaluation
DataDirector: What’s New
Suggested Pre-Built Reports for Viewing STAR Results on DataDirector Report Name: What is it? What does it include?Notes: CST Scaled Scores Easy to read snapshot of individual student performance on a CST as they relate to the performance band. Identifies students who are on the margins of advancing or falling-back a proficiency level Filters and identifies students by performance level or scaled score, e..g. I only want to view students who were on the “bubble,” 340 and above on the CST ELA for grade 9. CST Cluster Scores Identifies performance for individual students, teachers, district and state on each of the strands tested on the CST. Provides pie charts and bar graphs on classroom averages, school averages, district averages as well as performance level distributions. Important: Remember to use the Summary Options menu. Click on the“Include Teacher Summary” option to view the pie charts. Pivot TableCST or CELDT student performance comparison over a 2 year period. Creates pivot tables that identify “sliders, gainers, stickers.” See next slide CST Percent Proficient Trend Analysis Multi-tiered analysis of students proficient on the CST. Includes bar graphs and charts of students’ performance over time. Includes disaggregated subgroup performance. Compare growth trends in number of students proficient or at the varying proficiency levels for multiple years. Select “Cohort Report” to see only students who took any of the selected assessments. Select “Limited Cohort Report” for students who took all selected assessments. The “Year to Year Comparison” compares students and their test results from one academic year to another.
Contact Information Santa Ana Unified School District Department of Research and Evaluation (714) Phone (714) Fax