Chess Pathfinder The purpose of this pathfinder is to for students to develop a history of chess and to learn the basics for how to play the game. The students will learn the game in the following order: 1.History 2.How to Play 3.Notation / Strategy 4.Practice
What is Chess /chess /chess This explains what the game of chess is and what is looks like. It features segments on the history, champions, notations, and most of the vocabulary needed to play the game.
History Chatrang / Shatranj Howard Staunton nFullListPortletWindow?failOverType=&resetBreadCrumb=& query=NP+Howard+Staunton&prodId=BIC1&windowstate=no rmal&contentModules=&display- query=NP+Howard+Staunton&mode=view&limiter=&displayG roupName=None&u=dove10524&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&a ction=e&activityType=BasicSearch nFullListPortletWindow?failOverType=&resetBreadCrumb=& query=NP+Howard+Staunton&prodId=BIC1&windowstate=no rmal&contentModules=&display- query=NP+Howard+Staunton&mode=view&limiter=&displayG roupName=None&u=dove10524&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&a ction=e&activityType=BasicSearch
Adolf Anderssen nWin?failOverType=&resetBreadCrumb=&query=ACID OR &prodId=BIC1&windowstate =normal&contentModules=&display- query=ACID+%22Anderssen%2C+Adolf%22&mode=view &limiter=AC+y&u=dove10524&totalSearchResultCount =2&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&action=e&catId=&activity Type=PersonSearch&scanId=CSH nWin?failOverType=&resetBreadCrumb=&query=ACID OR &prodId=BIC1&windowstate =normal&contentModules=&display- query=ACID+%22Anderssen%2C+Adolf%22&mode=view &limiter=AC+y&u=dove10524&totalSearchResultCount =2&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&action=e&catId=&activity Type=PersonSearch&scanId=CSH Bobby Fischer esetBreadCrumb=&query=&prodId=BIC1&windowstate= normal&contentModules=&display- query=&mode=view&limiter=AC+y&showDisambiguatio n=true&u=dove10524&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&action =e&catId=GALE|AAA &scanId= esetBreadCrumb=&query=&prodId=BIC1&windowstate= normal&contentModules=&display- query=&mode=view&limiter=AC+y&showDisambiguatio n=true&u=dove10524&displayGroups=&p=BIC1&action =e&catId=GALE|AAA &scanId=
How to Play This video gives you the basics on how to setup a board and how the pieces moves. This is for people who are visual learners &feature=iv&src_vid=t-uwGvx4V_A&v=SM2fcenx7KU 675&feature=iv&src_vid=t-uwGvx4V_A&v=SM2fcenx7KU Books Begin Chess by D.B. Pritchard Chess for Young Beginners by W.T. McLeod Beginner’s Guide to Playing Chessby Susan Caldwell Beginner’s Chess Course by Enno Heyken
How to Play These sites specialize in teaching chess and allowing for competition.
Notation and Strategy Taking Chess Notation nd_write_chess_notation_a/166.htm This lists openings for beginner players. This lists the worst to the best and why they are important.
Wrap up kZp9NQ kZp9NQ This is clip for the movie ‘A King’s Life’ WVBv4 WVBv4 This is a clip about Josh Waitzkin who was expected to be the next Bobby Fisher in the 90s
Sign Up to Play Compete online to play rated or unrated games against opponents of all levels. This keeps an online rating (unofficial) Sign up to compete nationally in face to face tournaments using an official rating Compete online against players around the world using your official rating (not your computer rating) Community Resources: Chess Club featuring classes and official rated games Tuesday 7:00 – 10:00 at Union United Methodist Church