Darla Stynen
The subject matter I am teaching in my classroom, as prescribed by the school district.
My definition of curriculum has evolved to include what should be taught as well as how will it be taught. It includes all core areas: reading, math, science, social studies, health, technology, art, and music. It must be focused and logical, and presented in multiple ways to reach each learner. It also includes authentic assessment based on the objectives. Curriculum should continually evolve to meet the needs of the students.
Curriculum is not just the teacher guides that are provided by my district. Curriculum is flexible. Curriculum must take in to account the learner using DI and UBD. Curriculum should integrate technology as well as Curriculum 21 ideals.
Current curriculum often does not change and is very dated. This leads to students not being prepared for the 21 st century. Current curriculum does not focus on important skills for students to learn to compete in a global community including language and cultural diversity.
To focus methods of teaching and learning. Establish the goals of student learning.
Use Backward planning to focus teaching. Use differentiation to reach all learners. Map curriculum. Collaborate with varying grade levels.
Use various methods to asses student learning. Provide a scrapbook of student learning rather than a snapshot. Use standards based assessment. Use authentic assessment.
The purpose of school is to give students the skills needed to be active citizens in their community, and encourage them to strive for their own personal achievement. I believe the subjects that we must teach are reading, math, science, social studies, health, art, music, and technology. Students must also be taught the skills to help them excel in a more global society, including foreign languages and culture, as well as current global trends in science and technology.
Curriculum must evolve over time to include all subjects and skills necessary for students to be able to compete and succeed in life.
The subjects that we must teach are reading, math, science, social studies, health, art, music, and technology. The skills students should develop are creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration. Stakeholders should have a direct influence on developing curriculum.
Students should all learn the same curriculum. The learning plan and assessment can be differentiated.
The values of the students’ community should be reflected in the curriculum.
Stakeholders include teachers, students, parents, administration and other community members, as well as future employers. The stakeholders expectation is that students are taught what they need to know to be successful members of society.
Create and implement curriculum based on the standards and benchmarks adopted by my district. Differentiate instruction for the specific students in my class. Use UBD and curriculum mapping for better focus and understanding. Integrate technology to increase student interest and achievement as well as give them skills necessary to succeed in 21 st century.