W RITING A SSESSMENT 3 MLA format and transitions
M AKE SURE QUOTES ARE EMBEDDED INTO YOUR WRITING All of your quotes need to be introduced properly and you need to provide a context for them. Make sure in-text citations have page numbers in parenthesis and punctuation following: (43). The narrator is an imaginist, and continually struggles with finding a place in a rational society. She says the fact that the house has been empty for years “spoils her ghostliness” but maintains that there is something “strange about the house” (Gilman, 83). She fantasizes that the house is haunted, and is disappointed when rationality ruins that fantasy.
M AKE SURE QUOTES ARE EMBEDDED INTO YOUR WRITING The narrator describes her husband John as “practical in the extreme.” She says he “has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and seen and put down in figures” (Gilman, 82). Because John can not tolerate or therefore understand the workings of a creative mind, he is unable to understand his wife, who is the embodiment of such concepts. Rather than allow her to engage in artistic expression, “he hates [her] to write a word” (Gilman, 83), and he prescribes a rest cure, which ironically will ultimately result in her mental deterioration.
W ORKS C ITED Gliman, Perkins Charolotte, “The Yellow Wallpaper.” 40 Short Stories. Beverly Lawn. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, (82-97). Print. Cheever, John. “The Swimmer” John Cheever: Collected Stories and Other Writings. Blake Bailey. Library of America, ( ). Print.
Y OUR PAPER NEEDS A HEADING L EFT A LIGNED : Your Name Ms. Evans English II 13 March 2013 Title of Your Paper
B E SURE TO Use transitions that depict the appropriate relationship between ideas When showing cause and effect, consequently, therefore, or hence may be appropriate. When continuing on the same line of thought, additionally, not only… but also, or furthermore. To show contrast, However, Conversely, or in contrast to would be appropriate. Be sure to vary transitions to avoid repetition.
O WL P URDUE Use this class period to draft your mini essay. Your final paper is due on Thursday, preferably typed. 300 words and must use MLA format. / Don’t forget a works cited page.