Supporting Trade Facilitation WTO Symposium on Trade Facilitation Nairobi, November 2012 Giorgio Cocchi European Commission DG Development and Cooperation
EU Development Cooperation 1958 All countries and regions 27 Member States, one EU Consensus on Development Wide policy coverage, trade a key component, 2-3 sectors per country EU ODA to Africa = € 25.3 billion in 2011
Cooperation at all levels : Country (National Indicative Programmes) Regional (North, East, Southern, West and Central Africa) Continental Intra-ACP Dialogue with/within International Organisations (WTO, UN, IFI…)
Africa - EU Development, cooperation and trade agreements with almost all countries A Joint Strategy and Action Plan Trade Facilitation Forum AUC-EU December in Brussels
Main financial resources. 10th European Development Fund (€ 22.7 Bn) Development Cooperation Instrument 2007 – 2013 (~€ 4 Bn for Northern and South Africa) National, Regional and Intra-ACP allocations
2014 – 2020 proposals in discussion: 11 th EDF, € 34 billion Renewed financial instruments for Mediterranean States and South Africa New Pan African Programme, € 1 billion
Infrastructure: Regional and national programmes; Investment Facility managed by the European Investment Bank € 4 billion in the first 3 years of operation
Current TF projects : ~ 130 Programs including 26 in Africa Circulated in WTO Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation of 1 June 2012, TN/TF/W/149/Rev.4 In addition : Infrastructure Facility (private/public funds managed by the European Investment Bank
Main challenges: Streamline trade policy into development and cooperation strategies. Project preparation capacity => COMESA, SADC facilities.
Overall levels of EU AfT 11
AfT by major donor (€m)
Africa receives most of EU AfT 13
EU Trade Related Assistance
TRA by major donor (in EUR million)
What to do now : Programming 2014 – 2020 has just started and will be completed in 2013 => => Countries need to include trade, regional integration or private sector development in their cooperation programmes. Regions have economic integration/trade in their agendas. New Africa – EU Action Plan to be prepared in 2013 Allocate resources to project preparation!
Where to find additional information: On the EU : On EU Development policy: The Aid for Trade EU Report 2012: policies/financing_for_development/documents/swp-199-annexa4-aid-for- trade-report.pdf