1.Complete “Green” Information Sheet and give to advisors or link leader. 2.Log on to your computer Net ID and password 3.Open the internet web browser Mozilla Firefox and go to the KSU homepage 4.Take home and read! Goldenrod Handout – teacher education admission criteria Urban Education Information 5. Checklists - Use today: ECE Checklist and 4-year plan MGE checklist (see your advisor Ms. Gillis) HIED checklist Welcome to Transfer Orientation!
Revised 06/20/2012 Dr. William D. Impey TEACHER EDUCATION ADVISEMENT CENTER (TEAC) Education Student Services KH
Dr. Maurice Wilson Interim Director, Education Student Services Associate Professor EECE Rachel Blase Associate Director, Academic Advisement Mary Lynn Orr Assistant Director, Teacher Education Admissions Sandra Cox ECE Advisor (admitted to Teacher Education) Susan Roberts – ECE Advisor Kellie Oxford – Certification Officer and ECE Advisor (admitted to Teacher Education) Nancy Gillis – MGE advisor Dr. Kay Reeve – Professor of History
Professional Teacher Education Unit Urban Education Option Urban Education Option The Urban Education Option at KSU will increase your MARKETABILITY, and, more importantly, it will make you a highly EFFECTIVE teacher with all students! Contact for additional The mission of the Urban Education Option is to partner with Cobb County teachers, parents, community groups, administrators, as well as students to prepare teacher candidates to effectively teach in high need schools. Junior and senior level education courses and field work take place at seven Cobb County public schools and are taught by teams of KSU faculty and Cobb County faculty.
Completed ENGL 1101 & 1102 (grades of C or higher) Completed EDUC 2110 (grade of C or higher) Completed 45 semester hours of coursework from accredited institutions Admission to Teacher Education is separate from admission to KSU Teacher Education Admission Requirements
Teacher Education Admission Requirements (continued) Instructor recommendation (supplemental recommendation if transferring EDUC 2110) Cleared background check KSU AGPA ≥2.75 and Transfer Education GPA ≥2.75 (see your advisor) TEAC advises ECE, MGE, and History Education prior to teacher education admission
Passed or Exempted GACE Basic Skills (SAT or ACT scores may be on Owl Express or previous college transcript ) Teacher Education Admission Requirements (continued) Updates on the GACE Basic Skills Certification officer website GAPSC website schedule appointment with your advisor Certification officer website GAPSC website schedule appointment with your advisor GACE Basic Skills
Application and Deadlines ECE majors: If you think you may have already met the requirements, see Dr. Wilson today! Application Deadline for Spring 2014 Admission to Teacher Education September 15, 2013 see TEAC website for future deadlines and fee payment options
For DegreeWorks tutorial see the Registrar’s Office website: DegreeWorks Instructional Videos for Students Students transferring from a University System of Georgia (USG) institution MUST use DegreeWorks (within Owl Express) to review courses in Areas A-F that have been satisfied at your previous school.
Revised 06/04/2012 Appointments: TEACHER EDUCATION ADVISEMENT CENTER (TEAC) Education Student Services KH 1314 (770) Download forms, requirements, application procedure, fee payment options, deadlines, GACE Basic Skills exemption options and information, FAQ, and Transfer Orientation Powerpoint.