Rudjer Innovations Ltd Innovations and Technology Transfer Domagoj Oreb CEO Ref: RI-GM-CP-09-012v01 Zagreb, October 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Rudjer Innovations Ltd Innovations and Technology Transfer Domagoj Oreb CEO Ref: RI-GM-CP v01 Zagreb, October 2009

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.2 Rudjer Innovations Company for technology transfer and the commercialisation of intellectual property Open to all Croatian R&D organisations to help everyone who wishes to commercialise results of research Owned by Rudjer Boskovic Institute, founded within “Science and Technology Policy of the Republic of Croatia ” Activities: Identification and evaluation of intellectual property Protection of IP (patent, trademark, copyright etc.) Commercialisation models (licensing, selling, spin-out, R&D projects, joint ventures etc.) Consulting, science, service and project management contracts

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.3 Rudjer Innovations in numbers Year 2006 RI established Staff1677 Projects Patents filed Licences1478 Spin-outs0334

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.4 Rudjer Boskovic Institute (RBI) owns all IP rights resulting from research activities on RBI Rudjer Innovations assists those researchers who wish to commercialise the results of their research  By patenting, licences, spin-out companies & consultancy Researchers will share the benefits  Royalty shares from licences  Equity in spin-out companies  Income from services & consultancy Intellectual Property Policy

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.5 RBI & RI example Inside RBI Governance IP committee 5 staff RBI Director RI Board member 3 experts from RBI Rudjer Innovations 7 staff 86% graduates 40% Ph.D. Licensing Spin-outs Consulting Licensing IPR Outside RBI New sponsored research Transfer of Intellectual Property

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.6 Transfer of IP flow chart

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd. 7 Win-Win clearly communicated Cooperation and innovative solutions brings to companies: Better, faster and more cost-effective research and development Application of new technologies Creating competitive advantages and for R&D institutions and scientists: Income from commercialisation Practical application and recognition of R&D achievements New fields and appliactions of R&D Recognising the importance of cooperation with scientific institutions is a characteristic of innovative companies that wish to make their technology, products and services more competitive and market-oriented

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd. Approach to the market Good portfolio evaluation (suggest application areas) Define what we can offer (service, innovation, know- how, product...) and what are possibilities Target market definition (end customer, partner, competition...), up to date with trends Introduction to market and potential clients Communication, listening of client needs... Commercialisation model (project, licence, sell of IP....) Offrer (P USH) Demand (P ULL) SCIENCE INDUSTRY 8 “Common sense” “Networking” “Proactive approach”

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.9 RBI, Partner Research Group Head Senior Scientist Support Scientists New Company New Managing Director Research Director Financ.& Admin. Scientists Sales & Marketing Production Technology interchange © 2007 Rudjer Innovations Ltd. Spin-off setup

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd. Spin off companies Ruđer Medikol cyclotrone Development and production of radionuclides Ruđer Medikol diagnostics Breast and other genetic hereditary diagnostics Initium Futuri Innovative ICT technologies BioZyne (in formation) Biotech company for R&D in the life sciences (cancer drugs)

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.11 Rudjer Innovations Ltd. Bijenicka 113, Zagreb, Croatia T F E W Thank you

© 2009 Rudjer Innovations Ltd.12 Domagoj Oreb, MBA CEO & Board President Supervisory board Danica Ramljak, Ph.D., Petar Miladin, Ph.D., Marko Lesić, M.Sc. Ante Todorić M.Sc., Aleksandar Danilovski, Ph.D. Management Board Life Science Group Davorka Moslavac Forjan, Ph.D. Physical Science Group Davor Aničić, B.Sc. Legal Lidija Stopfer, LLM PR & Marketing TBD Matea Novosel Project Analyst & Board secretary Business Consulting & Project Management TBD Dinko Smolčić, B.Sc. CFO & Board Member Božidar Etlinger, Ph.D. Board Member Organisation