Essential Elements of Strategic Planning Presenter-Carri George Centers Hatching Initiatives for Realizing Potential
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where---” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
Vision Describes what the organization will be in the future: What you are striving to be Describes the ideal Mission Statement Describes the current purpose of the organization: What you do For Whom Why
Characteristics of a Good Vision It should be grounded in the reality of the organization’s Present Situation. (Current challenges have been addressed) The Vision should create some problems for the organization. Stakeholders (Employees, Customers, Owners, Suppliers) must be able to see themselves or their interests represented. The vision should be a shared vision. (Result of integrated thinking rather than a collection of individual visions) The Vision should invite and inspire people to want to bring it to fruition
Your Destination (Vision) Be sure to keep improvement efforts focused on the road, NOT OUT HERE! The Road is usually strewn with obstacles (boulders), some large, some small. Use Continuous Improvement to remove the small obstacles, on an ongoing basis. The Strategic Plan is the “Road” to the Desired Future State of the Organization. Use Hoshin to remove the big boulders, one at a time. Your Starting Point (Present Situation)
Determine the Present Situation Mission Employee Feedback Performance vs. Last Plan Organization Values Competitor Performance Customer’s Needs & Satisfaction Current and Required Products and Services Markets (Applications) Distribution Channels Geographic Areas Served Critical Success Metric Performance “STEEP” Factors: Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political
WHAT IS STRATEGIC PLANNING? It has been called….. Comprehensive Planning Systematic Planning Long Range Planning Visioning Value-based Planning It involves the…. Purpose and function of the organization Way strategists make decisions Stream of decisions Establishment of priorities “Buy-in” from the participants It deals with the…. Alignment of current decisions and the future plans Process of overall operational planning Utilization of human resources It is related to ….. A philosophy An attitude A way of life A commitment
Select Vision Element for Breakthrough Correlation of Vision with daily management—do our processes support our vision? What are the gaps between our Present Situation and our Vision? Are there cause and effect relationships between the Vision Elements?
Create A Plan to Improve the Vision Element Strategies—Deliberate and Emergent Ownership of Strategies—assign responsibility and accountability Set metrics—how will we know when this is accomplished Determine time sequence Go beyond “brainstorming”— research, analysis
Review What did you intend to accomplish (PLAN) What did you actually accomplish? (DO) How did the actual accomplishment compare with what you intended? (CHECK) Analyze what happened and determine what to do about it. (ACT)
A D P C Act. If the goals were achieved, adopt the new methods permanently. If not, determine the cause of failure, and return to Plan. Plan. Determine goals to be achieved and methods to reach them. Check. Examine the results. Do. Implement the methods.