Being Strategic Annette Lees
Strategy is: The essential link between vision and outcome The internal logic that links all parts of our work Both thinking and planning
Six parts to strategic thinking 1.Understanding your mandate 2.Identifying the problem 3.Articulating your desired outcome 4.Picking your scale 5.Designing the solution 6.Delivering
1. Understanding your mandate What authority do you have? Who do you represent? Who are you accountable to? Answers frame the scope and approach of the project. Working by: Legal mandate Influence and persuasion Building partnerships
2. Identifying the problem You can’t solve a problem that you haven’t correctly identified. Check: Is the true and fundamental problem? Have you got to the cause of the problem? Have you picked the most important problem? Have you picked a problem that can be solved within your mandate?
3. Articulating your desired outcome What do you want to achieve? An outcome expressed as crystal clear gives us: A strong foundation for strategic thinking Clarity for partnerships Essential assistance in communication
4. Picking your scale How big or small do we go? Ask: At what scale are you mandated to work? How big is your problem? Will your scale solve your problem? What is your budget?
5. Designing the solution Design a solution that will solve the problem. -Check assumptions -Strategic planning -Closely linked operational planning -Monitoring and reviewing -Learning and improving
6. Delivering Effectiveness will depend on: - Know how and can do -Alignment in policy, planning and regulation -Integration of understanding and knowledge -Common purpose -Good communication