UMCN Orphanage Jalingo, Nigeria
A Fostered child given to a fostered parent by the Coordinator Mr. Simon Benjamin
The Fostered child with some of the Orphanage staff
Fixing of windows net for boys dormitory
Renovation of bed at the girls dorm.
Renovation of beds in the second boys dorm.
Clinic staff and the drugs in the clinic
Sick patient in the clinic under admission
The children attending class at the orphanage
New site for the skills training centre at the secretariat kitchen
Training equipments inside the hall
The cleaner with the mower machine cutting grasses in the orphanage to beautify the compound
He is cleaning the mower machine after a hard work
The burned dormitory still not rebuild and the new guest house on construction
Burned dorm and the kitchen staff preparing breakfast for the children
A lady with her group organize a program during children day celebration in the orphanage
Arrival of the small container received by the orphanage Coordinator Mr. Simon Benjamin
Offloading of the small container.
Rev. Ande locking the container after offloading under key lock.
Arrival of the big container and received by Mr. Simon Benjamin the Orphanage coordinator on June 1 st, 2014.