Highlighting Best Practices from the Energy Sub-category stars.aashe.org STARS Webinar June 2012
Agenda Energy & STARS A specific look at OP 7: Building Energy Consumption Institutional Approach Steve Karcher, Vice President of Operations and Sustainability, Berea College Diane Zekind, Energy Manager, Berea College Q & A 2
Energy Sub-category This subcategory seeks to recognize institutions that are reducing their energy consumption through conservation and efficiency, and switching to cleaner and renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, geothermal, and low-impact hydropower. For most institutions, energy consumption is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, which cause global warming. Specific look at OP 7: Building Energy Consumption 3
OP Credit 7: Building Energy Consumption This credit recognizes institutions that have reduced their energy usage per gross square foot of building space compared to a 2005 baseline. Data reported in MMBtu. Points are earned by reducing building energy use consumption. STARS awards only positive points; points will not be deducted if building energy consumption per gross square foot of building space increased rather than decreased during the time period. 4
Required Reporting Fields □ Total building energy consumption, 2005 (MMBtu) □ Building space, 2005 (gross square feet) □ Total building energy consumption, performance year (MMBtu) □ Building space, performance year (gross square feet) □ List the start and end dates of the energy consumption performance year □ An affirmation that the submitted information is accurate to the best of a responsible party’s knowledge and contact information for the responsible party. The responsible party should be a staff member, faculty member, or administrator who can respond to questions regarding the data when it is submitted and available to the public. DD, Month YYYYPresentation Title5
6 Institutional Approach Steve Karcher, Vice President of Operations and Sustainability Diane Zekind, Energy Manager, Berea College
Questions Submit any questions in the “Questions” pane in the webinar toolbar on the right side of your screen. 7
Contacts 1)Steve Karcher, 2)Diane Zekind, 3) 4)Check out the STARS website, stars.aashe.orgstars.aashe.org 5)Read the AASHE Campus Sustainability Perspectives Blog ( 6)Post a question to the AASHE Campus Sustainability Discussion Forums 7)Subscribe to the STARS Update 8)Call (303)