Do now! Can you read through the paper on propositions that Simon gave you last lesson?
Proposition……..any statement that can be asserted or denied (i.e. said to be true or false)
Examples of propositions Snow is white
Examples of propositions Mr McGhan looks cool in goggles
Examples of propositions Pigs have wings
Examples of propositions Norwegian men are very sensitive and understanding
School sucks Examples of propositions
4 kinds of propositions
1. Analytic propositions Propositions that can be shown to be true just by analyzing (thinking about) them.
1. Analytic propositions- 2 types Definitional truths; All bachelors are unmarried men
1. Analytic propositions – 2 types Truths of reason; If Eirik is taller than Meaghan, and Magnus is taller than Eirik, Magnus must be taller than Meaghan
2. Empirical Propositions Their truth can be determined by appeal to evidence based on perception
2. Empirical Propositions Pandas eat bamboo
2. Empirical Propositions Smoking can damage your health
2. Empirical Propositions Hitler was a woman
3. Value judgments A statement that contains a value word such as “good”, “bad”, “right”, “wrong”, “beautiful”, “ugly”……..
3. Value judgments Harder to establish the truth as two people may have different values
3. Value judgments Kirsten Dunst is beautiful
3. Value judgments Simon is the World’s best TOK teacher
3. Value judgments Rap isn’t good music
4. Metaphysical propositions Neither analytic, empirical nor value judgment. This leaves statements about the nature of ultimate reality
4. Metaphysical propositions God exists
4. Metaphysical propositions Free will is an illusion
4. Metaphysical propositions The past does not exist
Importance of knowing which type of proposition Because all 4 types can be justified in different ways, it is important to know which type of proposition we are dealing with when looking at a knowledge claim
State whether the following propositions are analytic, empirical, value judgment or metaphysical
God is the creator of all things
Mozart was a great composer
Bananas are yellow
Smith is a courageous man
Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo in 1815 YouTube - Duel and duelality part2
You ought to eat more cabbage
Every event has a cause
A straight line is the shortest distance between two points
John said that a cube has eight edges
All mass murders are insane
It’s not that simple! In “real life” there are grey areas and complications
Factual/verbal disputes Analytical/empirical propositions What looks like a factual dispute can sometimes become a verbal dispute about the meaning of words
John is bald
Abortion is murder
Nelson Mandela is a terrorist
Nominal Fallacy Assuming we have explained something just because we have named it
Nominal Fallacy “Why is iron attracted to a magnet?” “Because iron is magnetic”
Nominal Fallacy “Why are there many tribal wars in Papua New Guinea?” “The people there are very aggressive”
Nominal Fallacy “Why is lead heavy” “Because it is very dense”
Nominal fallacy Try to spot the nominal fallacies in the following;
Nominal Fallacy? “What caused the baby’s death” “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”
Nominal Fallacy? “Why did the water pipes burst?” “Because the temperature fell below zero(freezing), and when water freezes it expands”
Nominal Fallacy? “What caused the earthquake” “A sudden movement of rocks beneath the earth’s surface”
Nominal Fallacy? “What caused the earthquake?” “It was an act of God”
Nominal Fallacy? “Why does sugar dissolve in water?” “Because it is soluble”
Nominal Fallacy? “Why did the apple fall to the ground?” “Because of gravity”
Nominal Fallacy? “Why did the apple fall to the ground?” “Because of gravity”
Nominal Fallacy? “Why did Peter Sutcliffe murder 13 people” “Because he is insane”
Nominal Fallacy? “Why did the stock market fall yesterday?” “Because of a technical adjustment and profit- taking by investors”
Nominal Fallacy? “Why did he win the lottery?” “Because he is a lucky person”