Numbers Lesson Aims To be able to count from 1 to 10.
yī 一
èr 二
sān 三
sì 四
lìu 六
qī 七
bā 八
jǐu 九
shí 十
Revision of Numbers 1.Yi 一 2.Er 二 3.San 三 4.Si 四 5.Wu 五 6.Liu 六 7.Qi 七 8.Ba 八 9.Jiu 九 10.Shi 十
You now know how to write the numbers one to ten using pinyin and characters. It is not necessary to go beyond this slide.
True/False The Panda is a animal from China True The Panda weighs about 150g when it is born. True The Panda weighs up 250 pounds when it is fully grown. True
True/False Pandas spent 16 hours a day eating. True. Pandas eat only meat. False. Panda eat approximately 20 pounds of bamboo a day.
True/False There is no such thing as the Red Panda. All pandas are black and white. False. Red Pandas do exist. They are smaller and look like raccoons.
熊猫 xióng māo