Standards-based methodology for developing a geoscience markup language Simon Cox Research Scientist 9 August 2008
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Outline The issue Example: GeoSciML Re-use and delegation patterns Summary
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology The issue
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Transfer format methodology Typical markup language strategy: Manually crafted schema Implicit data model from existing db or processing service Ad-hoc xml patterns Single use-case no interoperability A better way Model-driven design, standards-based methdology
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology GeoSciML as exemplar
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology GeoSciML A language for exchange of geoscience information Scope: interpreted geology and supporting observations MappedFeature, GeologicUnit, GeologicStructure, Geologic timescale, Borehole, Outcrop, Observation, etc i.e. information required to maintain geologic maps
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology MappedFeature – geologic map elements The map sheet Map polygons and lines Map legend c.f. NADM conceptual model
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology MappedFeature – use of standards ISO Feature Model ISO Geometry ISO Metadata OGC Sampling Model
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Boreholes, specimens, outcrops, traverses ISO/OGC Sampling Model ISO/OGC Observation model
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology ISO/OGC Sampling Model ISO/OGC Coverage Model Borehole logs
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Localization & delegation
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Orderly delegation of responsibility CGI GeoSciML provides the data structure E.g. GeologicUnit is a kind of GeologicFeature with the properties “preferredAge”, “classifier”, “beddingPattern” etc Data providers use appropriate vocabularies and reference systems Interoperability levels: Schematic/model – common XML Schema GeoScML v2.0 - see other paper in this conference Semantic – common vocabularies
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Example … GSNSW Mafic volcaniclastic sandstone, siltstone, shale, chert; minor limestone, conglomerate Kabadah Formation Ojck urn:cgi:feature:GA:Stratno:29570 published description typicalNorm urn:cgi:classifier:ICS:StratChart:2004:Ordovician unspecified … Most property values refer to registered concepts Common values interoperability
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Extensions Related communities building specializations on GeoSciML GroundWaterML GeochronML Mineral Occurrences ML
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Governance delegation Understand the scope and reach of your community Only maintain the elements that are: a.important to you b.not governed by someone else Enable extensions to your model Publish re-usable components in http repository e.g. XMI of UML model; XML Schema Maintain your components in an orderly way Don’t cause surprises! Use the technology to support governance arrangements UML packages (XML namespaces) reflect system boundaries discrete governance arrangements Markup conventions support late-binding of selected elements (esp. vocabularies and scales)
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Summary
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Key points Methodology for information communities to reach consensus Design stays close to conceptual level Use cross-domain components and standard applications Implementation enables delegation to appropriate authority Enhanced interoperability GeoSciML is an example of a community agreement developed using a standards-based methodology Specialized schemas are being built on top of GeoSciML
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Tony Cragg, Subcommittee, 1991 Governance IWG
Contact Us Phone: or Web: Thank you Exploration & Mining Simon Cox Research Scientist Phone: Web:
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology GeologicUnit
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Tooling
CSIRO IEI07402L Cox Standards-based methodology Tooling to support standards-based approach UML for design, XML for transfer HollowWorld UML template Standard UML profile ISO components OGC Observation & Sampling components FullMoon XMI processor to automate XML schema documentation production GeoSciML documentation