1 Confidential The information contained in this presentation is for the exclusive and confidential use of the recipient. Any other distribution, use,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Confidential The information contained in this presentation is for the exclusive and confidential use of the recipient. Any other distribution, use, reproduction or alteration of the information contained in this presentation, by the addressee or by any other recipient, without the prior written consent of ENBALA Power Networks Inc. is strictly prohibited. DSWG February 24, 2012 Smart Grid Solutions That Pay You

2 Confidential Regulation Service – Demand Side Participation Regulation Service in essentially provided by Generation in ERCOT Loads have passed the testing and are registered to participate Market reports indicate the Demand Side resources are not very active in the market

3 Confidential Demand Side Regulation – North American Markets MarketRules Permit Load Participation Active Loads Permit Aggregation Sub- Metering ERCOTYYNN PJMYYLimitedSoon MISOY1 – ALCOALimitedN NYISOYNNoN ISO-NEYNLimitedY CAISOY/NNLimitedN IESOYNNN SPP not included as there currently isn’t a market for Regulation

4 Confidential Load Management Universe Market maturity for demand-side assets to participate

5 Confidential New DR products must be bi-directional Regulation represents required balance in the grid As likely to require the use of more power as curtailment

6 Confidential Requires intelligent capture of inherent flexibility in processes Requires the ability to define constraints such that operational priorities rank first Cannot Impact the Customer Requirements are more frequent and have shorter notice

7 Confidential Why Limited Load in Regulation Market? A load does a process or task. Participation in the Electricity Wholesale Market should not impact the process or task Traditional DR has limited curtailment events and therefore limited impact on the load Regulation requires the load to respond to 4 second control signals Regulation as likely to require the load increase consumption as often as curtail consumption Very few loads have the flexibility to respond in the short timeframe and bi-directionally Increased communication requirements Rules limit aggregation to create a network or fleet response

8 Confidential A Network Approach Generally a single Demand Resource can not respond to the a 4 second signal A group of Demand Resources acting as an intelligent integrated network can provide robust, reliable and efficient Regulation Service

9 Confidential ENBALA Power Network

10 Confidential What is ENBALA’s Grid Balance Program It provides moment by moment balance for the grid. It works within Load defined operational parameters It is an energy and capacity neutral program It monetizes the flexibility inherent in Load processes It requires an intelligently managed network of assets It is complementary to demand response and other energy management programs It is NOT demand response It is NOT an energy curtailment program It is NOT intrusive to Load operation

11 Confidential Benefits of Demand Side Regulation Utilizes installed resources Frees generation to provide other services Increases the efficiency of the generation portfolio Reduces cost Provides an additional revenue stream for the host Enhances Regulation competition

12 Confidential Market Requirements Multiple QSE’s –Allowing multiple technology providers to work with a load –Ensure compatibility –Crucial for much wider spread adoption Sub-metering –To gain access to the specific characteristics of specific loads Aggregation and Portfolio –Across sub zones –Lower aggregation requirements –Performance measurement at Portfolio not Resource level Regulation offers without Energy offers... Not an issue but needs to be considered when developing rules for Demand participation in the Nodal Market

13 Confidential Next Steps DSWG endorsement to investigate and implement rules that would enable a Network to effectively participate in the ERCOT market

14 Confidential Thank You Rob Coulbeck VP Regulatory Affairs

15 Confidential ISO Signal

16 Confidential Resource Response EPN Client Pool beginning to respond to ISO signal.

17 Confidential Resource Response

18 Confidential Resource Response More participants from the Client Pool are responding to requests.

19 Confidential Resource Response The green line is EPNs aggregated response from the Client Pool.

20 Confidential Resource Response 8 binary assets (on/off) responding to the EPN. 8 binary assets (on/off) responding to the EPN.

21 Confidential Resource Response The 9 th participating load is a VFD – providing a continuous response (ranging between 1000 kW – 1750 kW) The 9 th participating load is a VFD – providing a continuous response (ranging between 1000 kW – 1750 kW)

22 Confidential Resource Response The aggregate response of each resource in the network is compiled to form a unified regulation response. The aggregate response of each resource in the network is compiled to form a unified regulation response.