Using Eye Movements To Evaluate Effects of Driver Age on Risk Perception in a Driving Simulator Anuj Kumar Pradhan, Kim R. Hammel, Rosa DeRamus, Alexander Pollatsek, David A. Noyce, and Donald L. Fisher
Introduction 在美國,新手發生事故的比率遠大於一般 駕駛者 (8-9 倍 ) 。 The most common were failures to search ahead, to the side, and to the rear, which together were implicated in 42.7% of the crashes; failure to pay attention (23.0%); and failure to adjust the vehicle’s speed appropriately (20.8%).
This study hypothesized novice drivers scanning less widely than more experienced drivers. 試著利用 eye-movement tracker and driving simulator 來評估對駕駛經驗和年紀 的影響。
Method 創造出 16 種 risky scenarios ,利用駕駛模 擬器來記錄其相關駕駛行為,並用 eye tracker 來紀錄是否有注意到潛在的危險因 子。 上述 16 種 risky scenarios 並不會真的發生 危險的狀況,以免受測者受到影響。
Participants A total of 72 participants were run in the experiment 1.24novice drivers in their first6 months of driving experience, all 16 or 17 years old; 2.24 younger drivers, 19–29 years old; 3.24 older drivers, 60–75 years old.
Apparatus Driving simulator Eye tracker
Scenarios All 16 scenarios (S1–S16) that were developed can be viewed on the web ( s.htm) s.htmhttp:// s.htm But only 14 scenarios are described.
S1: Truck right turn with walk signal
S2: Bicycle on left side of road
S3: Truck and driver left turn
S4: Signal ahead over hill S5: T intersection
S6: Hidden crosswalk
S7: Vehicle on right at intersection
S8: Bicycle on right side of road S9: Driver left turn with truck in opposing lane
S10: Pedestrian on left
S11: Curved stop ahead
S12:Truck blocking travel in lane
S13: Truck blocking pedestrian crosswalk
S14:Truck left turn and driver straight through intersection
Design Each participant drove through four experimental blocks, each of which contained 4 risky scenario. The order of the blocks was counterbalanced for each of the three groups.
Procedure The participants were asked to fill out an informed consent form. They were to follow the lead vehicle throughout the drive and to maintain a 3- s following distance. The participants drove through the four blocks during which eye movement data and other vehicle data were recorded.
Result-ANOVA the novice drivers engaged in behaviors indicative of their recognition of the potential for risk 35.1% of the time, the younger drivers engaged in such behaviors 50.3% of the time, and the older drivers engaged in such behaviors 66.2% of the time. The effect of age was significant.
Whether the groups are relatively clustered Result-Box Plot
The types of scenarios in which the novice drivers performed worse than the older drivers. As is clear from Table 1, on all of the 16 measures of risk perception, novice drivers performed more poorly than older drivers. Result-Individual scenarios
Discuss-implications 新手駕駛的確需要加以訓練,才能增加到 路安全。 從表 1 ,發現各個情況下的差異不盡相同, 因此訓練時需針對各個情況訓練。 可以藉由這研究來評估訓練機制的好壞。
所得結果是否符合田野資料。 利用駕駛模擬器與眼動儀是否與現實一致。 眼動儀的資料不能完全的診斷駕駛行為。 Discuss-limitations