Trade, Environment & Development Training & Capacity Building UNCTAD Expert Meeting on Environmental Requirements and International Trade September 2002 UNCTAD
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training2 Trade Environment & Development Training2 UNCTAD Objectives Concerning Training for Trade l Post-Doha mandate on Trade & Environment (paragraphs 31 to 33) l Post- Doha mandate on technical cooperation and capacity-building (paragraphs 38 to 41) Training and capacity-building: the TrainForTrade Programme
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training3 Trade Environment & Development Training3 Uniform methodology Network Training of trainers + distance learning TrainForTrade Platform
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training4 Trade Environment & Development Training4 Methodologie
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training5 Trade Environment & Development Training5 Core courses on Trade Environment & Development : Course on “ Trade Environment & Development " (5 days) On-line Training “E-TradeEnv&Dev” (5x4h)
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training6 Trade Environment & Development Training6 Course on “ Trade Environment & Development " Objectives : Create a better understanding of the debate around international trade and environment issues and of relevant national implications;Create a better understanding of the debate around international trade and environment issues and of relevant national implications; Take part in ongoing international negotiations related to trade and environment such as those in the WTO;Take part in ongoing international negotiations related to trade and environment such as those in the WTO; Contribute to the integration of trade and environment policies at the national level;Contribute to the integration of trade and environment policies at the national level; Improve national co-ordination between public and private sectors in the field of trade and environment.Improve national co-ordination between public and private sectors in the field of trade and environment.
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training7 Trade Environment & Development Training7 Course on “ Trade Environment & Development " Target Population: National trade and environment policy makers, Private sector: chambers of commerce, non- governmental organisations, enterprises associations; Public sector: ministries in charge of trade, economics, finance, statistics, industries, agriculture, fishing, environment, international affairs as well as regional and international institutions; Academic institutions: educational institutions in charge of high level courses in the field of international trade.
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training8 Trade Environment & Development Training8 Course on “ Trade Environment & Development " Modules: Module 1: Framework: WTO agreements; international institutions involved in trade and environment issues. Module 2: Environmental policies and market access: environmental requirements of developed countries and their effects on the exports of developing countries. Module 3: Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP): commercial opportunities. Module 4: International standards for environmental management systems (ISO 14001) and their implications. Module 5: Trade related Multilateral Environmental Agreements
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training9 Trade Environment & Development Training9 Organisation and methodology Delivery structure Trainees Tutors Instructor Director Trainees Tutor Instructor Director Trainees Tutor Instructor Director
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training10 Trade Environment & Development Training10 E-platform TrainForTrade Online PowerPoint, booklets Online PowerPoint, booklets Exchange between trainees and tutor through the forum and the chat room Exchange between trainees and tutor through the forum and the chat room On-line questionnaires On-line questionnaires
TrainForTrade – Trade Environment & Development UNCTAD Trade Environment & Development Training11 Trade Environment & Development Training11