RIEPS: Rhode Island Electronic Portfolio System An Open Source Application Supporting High School Reform
Regents’ Regulations The RI Regents’ Regulations January 2003 focus on students includes: –Literacy –Graduation by Proficiency –Personalization
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements = “Test Plus” (NSRE) PBGR SYSTEM NECAP 2008 (NSRE) PBGR SYSTEM NECAP 2008 STANDARDS State Assessment 20 Credits Diploma Assessment Proficiency + Plus =
Applied Learning Diploma Assessments Graduation Portfolio, Exhibition, End of Course Exams, or Certificate of Initial Mastery –Independent learning using Applied Learning skillsApplied Learning –Linked to personal academic and career goals –Reflection on learning over time and meeting goals
RIDE’s Role in RIEPS Gates Funding Resulted in Portfolio and Exhibition work –ToolkitToolkit –Model and pilot schools program –GATES networks for Graduation Portfolio and Exhibition RIDE funding in Spring 2005 for statewide electronic portfolio system provides –Resources for implementing HS Diploma System –Technology support for Districts –Consistency across and among districts –Portability
RINET Rhode Island Network for Educational Technology –Private/Not for Profit –Facilitates consortium technology purchasing –Provide statewide high-speed network –Provide SIS –Provide ePortfolio
RINET and ePortfolio Bring stakeholders together Host RFP process Host applications and data Connects to SIS nightly Provides helpdesk and training
Timeline Process of defining system early spring 2005 –Key stakeholders –National and state models RFPMay 2005 Reviewing SolutionsJune 2005 Final ChoiceSeptember 2005 Design, Development, and Implementation Ongoing work 2007… –Work on documentation, rubrics, ILP –Middle and Higher ed participation –Ongoing collaboration with all partners
Findings Few K-12 options Higher Ed pricing models Open Source of great interest –Local university and district experimentation –Develop to meet our needs –Something we could share –License free –Sakai potential as Collaborative Learning Environment –Support model?
Collaboration with The rSmart Group Bringing expertise in supporting open source and the Sakai Collaborative Learning Environment Providing requirements gathering and customization design Developing additional code for added functionality Training functional and technical representatives from RINET and participating schools and districts Supporting RINET in installing, configuring, integrating, and administering RIEPS
RIEPS Goals and Assignments Guide Learning and Assessment Students apply their understanding of standards to the learning process Teachers rate student performance in relation to standards Schools gauge success according to student evidence of learning in relation to standards
RIEPS Reports Gather Evidence of Learning Students assess quality and completeness of their evidence Students use assessment to populate Graduation Portfolio Teachers assess student learning and effectiveness of portfolio assignments Schools assess student learning and teacher performance RIDE assesses school and district performance
RIEPS Graduation Portfolios Demonstrate Learning Students assemble, display, and share evidence of learning for graduation Schools and districts evaluate student learning as a prerequisite for graduation RIDE collects evidence of the complete student learning experience
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