Timed and Targeted Counselling for Health and Nutrition 2 nd Edition Training of Trainers Speke Resort and Conference Centre, Munyonyo, Uganda April th 2015
Agenda DAY 1: TTC2 – STRATEGY AND RATIONALE DAY 2: TTC METHODOLOGY DEEP DIVE DAY 3: TTC 2 ND EDITION TECHNICAL UPDATES DAY 4: TTC SUPPORTIVE SUPERVISION AND DATA TOOLS DAY 5: TECHNICAL CONTENT AND ADAPTATION DAY 6: PRACTICAL SKILLS TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT GROUPS Welcome and introductions Selected country presentations Welcome address – MOH Uganda Participatory workshop: Appreciative enquiry ttC Strategy Feedback Dialogue behaviour change communication MHPSS& PFA Feedback Reaching the most vulnerable & eligible women and girl registration Newborn care and care of the small baby Early child development Feedback Designing monitoring and supervision strategies for TTC Supportive supervision Data tallying and threshold analysis Feedback Updates to the Technical Curriculum The home visit: practice and assessment Adapting and updating country curricula Planning and conducting a TOF Post training test Practical assessment Rotation 1 & 2 -Dialogue approach -PFA -ECD counselling session close and Team work prizes Session close Strategy clinic: - EAROStrategy clinic: SAROStrategy clinic: WARO/LACR/APR Special dinner
Administration fee Devotions will start at 8:00am every day in Ebony Hall Most evenings will run till 17:00 or 17:30, space is available for country planning until 18:00 Country strategy clinics: pre-assigned times with GC and regional strategists Conference packages: Manuals, Toolkit, materials Trainers Kit: pen drives, last day Logistical details
House Rules Mobile phone & laptop use Prompt start Participation & commitment to the deliverables for your team Get involved & ask questions, tell us what you don’t understand Evaluation and feedback at end of day
ToT Blended learning Course Assessment steps to certification of trainers Phase 1 preparation 1-2 wks Background reading Preparatory assignment Phase 2: Face to face learning 6 days Classroom learning TTC core skills - Practical demonstration TTC supervision and data orientation and practice Orientation to eLearning component Phase 3: Online learning- wv eCampus 2 months TTC 2 orientation and evidence base TTC methodology technical background (BCC) TTC technical content orientation TTC data and supervision design Action planning Phase 4: Learning by doing 6 months* Follow up webexes with TTC strategists TTC2 integration support TTC 2 curriculum contextualisation TTC 2 quality standards assessment Conducting ToT in country (with support) Action plan review at 3 months and 6 months Preparation Pre-training assessment F2F learning Post-training assessment (knowledge) Competency assessment (practical) eLearning Technical assessments (knowledge) Competency demonstration (practical assignments) Action planning with mentor Learning by doing Field assignment: quality standards assessment Action plan review with mentor
Phase 1: Preparatory Work Before the event participants will be required to Download the TTC 2 nd edition materials and familiarise yourself with the content Attend or listen to the TTC- 2 nd edition Orientation Webex (2 weeks prior to event) Pre read 1: The TTC Toolkit (key sections) (wvcentral TTC page) Pre read 2: Introduction to the facilitators manual (TTC Methodology Manual chapter 1) Assignment 1: Self-assessment of TTC programme quality standards (for TTC implementing countries) OR Self assessment of Country readiness completion (for new countries)
Phase 3. Online learning – WV eCampus Learning objectives for Trainers At the end of this online training event participants will be able to Can correctly explain the appropriate methods for implementing a ttC program (K) Design and implementation quality standards Conducting community entry and registration of eligible women and girls Process and rationale for identifying priority homes with certain vulnerabilities Demonstrate sound knowledge of the TTC visit timing and structure. Can correctly explain all technical content relevant to the ttC curriculum (K) Maternal mental health and psychosocial problems Healthy pregnancy Birth planning and immediate newborn care Essential care of the newborn Child health and nutrition Early child development Explain the steps required for planning and implementing a ToF for TTC-2: Explain the structure and content of the TTC curriculum and modular training (K) Explain how to plan and conduct a ttC-HV training program (K) Explain the assessment of the learning process (K) WV-eCampus Opening date for eLearning will be mid May First intake will be limited to 25 ‘Experimental’ course Options for ‘auditing’ with access but no interaction Runs for weeks 2 nd intake timing tbd 9 Topics in total Methodology: Short presentations Multimedia Quizzes Discussion forum Practical assignments Background reading list Evaluation and feedback WV-eCampus Opening date for eLearning will be mid May First intake will be limited to 25 ‘Experimental’ course Options for ‘auditing’ with access but no interaction Runs for weeks 2 nd intake timing tbd 9 Topics in total Methodology: Short presentations Multimedia Quizzes Discussion forum Practical assignments Background reading list Evaluation and feedback
Phase 4: Learning by Doing Trainers and Strategists will begin implementing with remote or in person support from regional and Global centre strategists. Learning by Doing will be done on an individual basis through the development of a 6 months Individual Action Plan. Webexes on progress will be held at 3 months post training and 6 months post training respectively, hosted by the regional offices Measurement of learning applied will be reported by region 6 months after the event. Process: 1.Each participant creates a 6 month action plan for applying learning. 2.At 3 months a consultation WebEx for discussion and course correction 3.GC / RO will respond by allocating support where needed.
Learning objectives for (drawn from competency frameworks) At the end of this online training event participants will be able to Strategy Can correctly explain the appropriate methods for implementing a ttC program (K) o Design and implementation quality standards o Community entry and registration of eligible women and girls o Process and rationale for identifying priority homes with certain vulnerabilities Skills Can demonstrate and assess effective communication skills (P) Can correctly demonstrate the negotiation and dialogue counselling process defined ttC (P) Can correctly demonstrate application of psychological first aid principles & psychosocial support to a mother experiencing distress (P) Can correctly demonstrate the use of the job aids: household handbooks and stories (P) Can correctly demonstrate care for child development counselling Monitoring and supervision Understands and can correctly fill out the data tally, collection and reporting forms (P) Can demonstrate supportive supervision skills (P) Phase 2: Face to Face Training Event
ttC Facilitator Competency Frameworks Key (A)Awareness: Familiarity with terms, concepts, processes – taught virtually (K)Knowledge: General understanding of concepts, processes, etc. – taught through self-directed, distance or in person learning (P) Performance: Ability to demonstrate the skill (at least at a basic level) – taught in person
Competency 1: Programme implementation methodology Competency 2: Behaviour change communication and ttC counselling skills Competency 3: Technical knowledge in MNCH areas covered in ttC curriculum Competency 4: TTC supervision and monitoring competencies Competency 5: Plan, coordinate & implement a ToF
TTC Curriculum: 2 nd Edition Package of materials CurriculumMaterials TTC Methodology – all countries Technical modules: TTC Module 1: Healthy pregnancy TTC Module 2: Childbirth and Newborn Care TTC Module 3: Child Health Nutrition and development All modules have a Facilitators Manual and a Participants Manual Module 1 storybooks Module 2 storybooks Module 3 storybooks Household handbook Trainers Guide & DVD Multimedia Resources
In Trainer Packs Facilitator’s Manuals for TTC, methodology, Technical Modules 1-3 Facilitator’s Manuals for Supportive Supervision and Data Collection and Reporting*. TTC Toolkit for Programme Planners On the Trainer’s Pen Drive Job aids and Tools Participant’s Manual Household Handbook Storybooks for Visits 1-3 ttC monitoring and supervision tools: o TTC registers o Supervision tool; o Excel spreadsheets o EWGR, referral / counter referral o Logframe TTC Toolkit resources o Planning and design tools o Work plan, curriculum checklists o CHW AIM Trainers Materials Visual aids o Photo Training Cards o Food cards o Umbilical cord pictures o Breastfeeding pictures o Malnutrition pictures o WHO Counselling cards (Care for Child Development) o Powerpoints for ToF Multimedia resources Assessment tools Trainer’s Guide (to be finalised post ToT) Demonstration Mobile application for Android Trainer’s Kit