English 12AP11/7/2012 “…the art of poetry is simply the art of electrifying language with extraordinary meaning.” (Lascelles Abercrombie, The Theory of Poetry) Respond in a paragraph: Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Explain. Provide an example.
English 12AP 11/13/2012 “…poetry is man’s rebellion against being what he is” (James Branch Cabell, Jurgen) Respond in a paragraph: Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Explain. Provide an example.
English 12AP 11/15/12 “Poetry is metaphor, saying one thing and meaning another… Poetry is simply made of metaphor” –Robert Frost Respond in a paragraph: Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Explain. Provide an example.
English 12AP11/19/2012 “Poetry comes with anger, hunger, and dismay; it does not often visit groups of citizens coming together to be literary together, and would appall them if it did.” –Christopher Morley Respond in a paragraph: Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Explain. Provide an example.
English 12AP11/26/2012 “Poetry should please by a fine excess and not by singularity. It should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost as a remembrance.” -John Keats English lyric poet ( )John Keats Respond in a paragraph: Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Explain. Provide an example.
English 12AP11/27/12 “…I am not what I am” (Othello I.i.67). Respond in a paragraph: Provide the quote’s context. What does Iago mean when he says this? What is the quote’s impetus? Explain.
English 12AP11/28/12 “But he (as loving his own pride and purposes)” (Othello I.i.13). Respond in a paragraph: Provide the quote’s context. What is Iago saying about Othello? What is the quote’s impetus? Explain.
English 12AP 11/29/12 “Damned as though art, thou hast enchanted her!” (Othello I.ii.65). Respond in a paragraph: Provide the quote’s context. What is Brabantio saying about Othello? Relate the quote to the motif of evil.
English 12AP 12/5/12 “Confess yourself freely to her,/ importune her help to put you in your place again” (II.iii ). Respond in a paragraph: To whom is Iago speaking? Why? What is the quote’s context? What role does this statement play in Iago’s plot against Othello?
English 12AP 12/6/2012 “My wife must move for Cassio to her mistress./…Myself, the while, to draw the Moor apart/ And bring him jump when he may Cassio find/ Soliciting his wife” (II.iii ). Respond in a paragraph: What is the quote’s context? What role does this statement play in Iago’s plot against Othello? PLEASE CHECK GRADES ON EDLINE AT LEAST WEEKLY. PLEASE TURN IN MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. INTERIM GRADES ARE EXPORTED NEXT WEDNESDAY.
English 12AP 12/10/12 “…But he protests he/ loves you/ And needs no other suitor but his likings/ To take the safest occasion by the front/ To bring you in again” (III.i.52-56) Respond in a paragraph: To whom is Emelia speaking? What is she saying? What role does she have in Iago’s scheme? PLEASE CHECK GRADES ON EDLINE AT LEAST WEEKLY. PLEASE TURN IN MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. INTERIM GRADES ARE EXPORTED WEDNESDAY.
English 12AP 12/11/12 “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy!/ It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock/ The meat it feeds on” (III.iii ). Respond in a paragraph: To whom is Iago speaking? What is he saying? What role does this statement have in Iago’s scheme? How is this statement ironic? PLEASE CHECK GRADES ON EDLINE AT LEAST WEEKLY. PLEASE TURN IN MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. INTERIM GRADES ARE EXPORTED WEDNESDAY.
English 12AP 12/12/12 Othello Act III scene iii is the most pivotal scene in the entire play. In a paragraph, explain how this is so.