MUSI 207 World Music Course Summary International Band
Each student will briefly present his/her instrument and play it with a musical selection of choice. While one student is presenting, the next “on deck” will be getting his/her music ready to go. After all have presented, we will play together.
Course Summary India (Northern Hindu, Southern Muslim) Middle East (monophony, ornamentation, improvisation) China (Politics: Confucius vs. Mao ZeDong) Japan (cultural and gender issues, Kabuki, Noh, etc.) Indonesia (Gamelan and influence of tourism) Sub-Saharan Africa (interlocking, call and response, com.) Europe (folk vs. urban, national styles) Latin America (socio-cultural heritage, social identity) Caribbean (shared colonial past, diversity and integration) Native American (supernatural, intertribal styles) Ethnic North America (commercialization vs. authenticity)
Evaluations There are two evaluations to be filled out. You will receive bonus points for filling out evaluations. Personal Evaluation – goes in the envelope (will not be viewed until AFTER grades have been posted) Personal Evaluation – goes in the envelope (will not be viewed until AFTER grades have been posted) Univ. Evaluation – goes in the official folder. Univ. Evaluation – goes in the official folder. Do not sign your name on either of these. Thanks for your feedback; I really do use it for future courses!
Pause for a moment today and listen to the music of your soul.