Transforming Student Wellness Alexandra Grand-Molina, Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Transforming Student Wellness Alexandra Grand-Molina, Director

Instructional Day: Bell schedule is used to determine beginning and end of instructional day. School Day: Defined by USDA Smart Snacks legislation as midnight to 30 minutes after the end of the instructional day. Competitive Foods: Foods & beverages sold or made available to students that compete with the school’s operation of reimbursable meals and snacks and are made available to students during the school day. Examples include vending machines, school stores, or as part of school fundraisers. Definitions

School fundraisers: Competitive foods and beverages sold through direct or indirect sales by staff, students or student groups, parents or parent groups, or any other person, company, or organization. A la Carte: Individually priced food items provided by food service during meal times. These items may or may not be part of a reimbursable school meal. Definitions

No competitive food or beverage items may be offered or sold to students during the instructional day. This does not restrict parents or guardians from bringing in food for their own child(ren) consumption. These food items may not be shared with other students. Parents may also bring in food items to celebrate child’s birthday but this may not interfere with classroom instruction (CO Legal) If violations are occurring, campus may impose stricter guidelines. McAllen ISD Regulation

Food & beverage items offered to students during the school day must be procured from the School Food Authority. School Food Authority will be responsible for meeting all labeling and reporting requirements for audit purposes. Campuses may except and offer fresh fruit and vegetable donations to be offered during the school day as long as the conditions of CDC local policy. McAllen ISD Regulation

All competitive foods and beverages sold to students after the school day must meet USDA Smart Snacks Guidelines and must also not be sodas or energy drinks. Campuses will be allowed a one-time exemption for a school carnival with date submitted one month in advance to food service for record keeping. Exemption is not allowed during the school day – must be after or on weekend. McAllen ISD Regulation

It is recommended that fundraisers focus on non-food and beverage related sales. However, if fundraisers do include food & beverages they must comply with USDA smart snack guidelines and not include sodas or energy drinks. All a la carte food & beverages offered to students must meet USDA smart snack guidelines and also not include sodas or energy drinks. Additionally, elementary campuses are limited to only beverages allowed in USDA guidelines. All elementary campuses ensure scheduling so students have recess first & then a designated lunch period of at least 30 minutes (law requires 20 minutes to eat after service) McAllen ISD Regulation

Exemptions: UIL activities after the end of the school day Fieldtrips Medical needs with physician statements McAllen ISD Regulation

Food & Nutrition Services: Can help with determining if a food or beverage meets guidelines Can procure items for schools with 3 weeks notice Can assist with staff and student/parent group trainings Wellness Coordinator & Director of Health Services: Scheduling of recess for students before lunch Coordination of SHAC Promotion of Wellness activities for students and staff Support for Implementation