Difference between Under- Steer and Over- Steer Consequences of Under-steer Consequences of Over-Steer Avoiding these scenarios and other road casualties
Under-steer is when you hit the brakes hard, but the car goes virtually straight on. This is thought to happen mainly in rain and icy conditions. If it happens in the dry however, you may want to have your car M.O.T tested, seeming as it may be unsafe to drive. However, Over-Steer is a mile different. As you brake and turn in, the back of the car steps out, and the car may pirouette/spin several times and could result in a horrific accident, especially in a tight urban road. This may happen in any condition, and again, make sure to always check your tyres if there is any signals as to whether this may happen.
Under-Steer is though to be more dangerous than over-steer, seeming as it’s harder to correct. The thousands of people that have fatalities each year, the reason is because of major under-steer. If you don’t put caution into your driving, you may be another one of them.
Well this basically speaks for it’s self. These are actual crashes from Over-Steer and it’s ruthlessness. Would you want to be one of them?
A classic road accident scenario is when the road is very icy but has not been closed by any people. The next stage is that a car will come along, but when attempting to brake the skid off course, and into whatever lies in front of them. The way to avoid this is to feather the brakes when coming to use them, though this will not be guaranteed to work 100% of the time. The method that does work though is when it snows, don’t drive, show common sense! Another problem is when your tyres have not been re- inflated for some time, or if the tyres on your vehicle have been over-used. You may be going along a motorway at a good 79+ mph, when a tyre on your vehicle explodes, leading to a violent loss of control and a motorway pileup. Motorway pileups can cause at least a dozen fatalities, especially the one who caused it. Ways to avoid this are to check your tyres for excessive wear and lack of inflation every so often.
So, to round off? Despite safety laws these days, the safety of road cars has virtually remained un-noticed. The road is a dangerous place to be, so re