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Table of contentsPage 1 Nuclear Processes
Standard 11: The Nuclear Process (chapter 25) Chemistry. Ms. Siddall.
1 Standard 11:The Nuclear Process (chapter 25) vocabulary Title page 1
Vocabulary 1.Isotope 2.Radioactivity 3.Radioactive decay 4.Radioisotope 5.Transmutation 6.Fission 7.Fusion 8.Half life 9.Radiation 10.Ionizing radiation 11.Alpha particle 12.Beta particle 13.Positron 14.Gamma ray 15.Transuranium element
1 Standard 11:The Nuclear Process (chapter 25) vocabulary Title page 1 1. Isotope: an atom with….
The atom. Proton Neutron Inside the nucleus Outside the nucleus electrons NUCLEONS charge = +1 charge = 0 charge = -1 mass = 1 mass = 0 Review & Preview
1 notes 2 Date: Topic: Objective: Inside nucleusoutside nucleus Parts of the atom
Study question 1 Complete the table Chargemass proton neutron electron
1 Study questions 2 Date: Topic: Objective: Inside nucleusoutside nucleus Parts of the atom Chargemass proton neutron electron Study question 1 +1
Atomic symbol: Example: 14-carbon. Example: 235-Uranium C 14 6 Protons Protons & neutrons U Protons Protons & neutrons * Atoms are ranked by number of protons on the periodic table = atomic number
1 Additional notes and questions 2 Date: Topic: Objective: Inside nucleusoutside nucleus Parts of the atom Chargemass proton neutron electron Study question 1 +1 Atomic symbols Example: 14-carbon Study question 2 The atom is made up of three particles…. The first particle is… The atomic symbol describes the number of …
study question 2 1.What is the complete atomic symbol for 25-Magnesium? 2.How many neutrons are in this atom? (show your work)
1 Page summary 2 Date: Topic: Objective: Inside nucleusoutside nucleus Parts of the atom Chargemass proton neutron electron Study question 1 +1 Atomic symbols Example: 14-carbon Study question 2 The atom is made up of three particles…. The first particle is… The atomic symbol describes the number of …
Isotope: atom with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. Example: U protons & 146 neutrons 92 protons & 143 neutrons 238 U 92
study question 3 What are the similarities and differences between a 14-Carbon isotope and a 13-Carbon isotope?
Standard 11a: The Strong Nuclear Force
NEWS FLASH: All atoms with more than one proton must contain the same or greater number of neutrons. The Strong Nuclear Force. holds nucleons together. much stronger than electromagnetic repulsion. extremely short range the strongest force known (so far!)
study question 4 Explain how protons are held together in the nucleus even though the positive charges repel each other.
Standard 11b Energy and Types of Nuclear Reactions A Nuclear Reaction. Produces about 1 million times more energy than a chemical reaction. energy released can be calculated using E = mc 2 m = mass c = speed of light = 3x10 8 m/s
study question 5 1.Which is more powerful? a.A chemical reaction b.A nuclear reaction 2.How is the energy of a nuclear reaction measured?
Fission: A large nucleus is hit with a small particle and splits into two or more smaller atoms. examples: nuclear energy & nuclear bombs (235-U is hit with a neutron) Fusion: Two small particles collide to form one larger particle Examples: thermonuclear bombs & the sun (2 hydrogen atoms combine to form helium)
study question 6 Name the following processes: 1.Two small particles collide to form a larger particle 2.A large particle breaks apart after being hit by a small particle
Fission of Uranium in a nuclear reactor.
Nuclear Fusion.
study question 7 1.Which reaction is used for nuclear power? 2.Which is used in nuclear bombs? 3.Which powers the sun?
Radioactive Decay. All atoms have at least one radioisotope (unstable isotope) that emits radiation. example = hydrogen. 1H1H 3H3H 2H2H Radioisotope! 3 H -1 e + 3 He Radiation Radioactive decay
3H3H -1 e Radiation 3 He
study question 8 Which atoms have unstable radioisotopes?
Unstable Isotopes Out of 1500 isotopes only 154 are stable Some isotopes take a fraction of a second to decay, some take billions of years. All man made isotopes are radioactive. –e.x. Rf, Db –They do not exist in nature because they have very short half lives.
study question 9 Name 3 atoms that are not found in nature.
Radioactive decay Parent isotope = radioisotope that decays Daughter isotope = result of parent isotope decay (could also be radioisotope). Example: 238 Pu 234 U + 4 He parent daughter RADIATION
study question 10 For the following reaction label: 1.The parent isotope 2.The daughter isotope 3.The radiation 3 H 3 He + +1 e
Standard 11c & 11d:Radiation & Effects. There are 3 types of radiation: 1.Alpha decay α Produces alpha particle = α = 4 He (helium nucleus) Ionizing energy Short range Can be stopped with thick clothing or thick paper Example: 240 Pu 236 U + 4 He
study question 11 Write the equation for the spontaneous alpha decay of 238-U
2. Beta Decay: β Produces beta particle = high energy electron = β = -1 e or +1 e (positron) Ionizing energy Longer range Can be stopped with metal foil Example: 14 C 14 N + -1 β
study question 12 Write the equation for 66- copper undergoing spontaneous beta ( -1 e) emission
3. Gamma decay: ɣ –Produces gamma ray = ɣ = high energy photon. –Ionizing energy. –Very long range. –Nothing stops gamma rays entirely. –Concrete or lead offer good protection. –Example: 60 Co 60 Ni + -1 e + ɣ
study question 13 1.Which is the most penetrating form of radiation? 2.Why?
Standard 11f: Half life Half-Life = The time it takes for ½ of a radioactive sample to decay. The rate of decay never changes. Example: carbon-14 has a ½ life of 5,715 years. After 5,715 years ½ of all 14-carbon atoms have undergone radioactive decay
5715 years pass Another 5715 years pass
Carbon dating
study question 14 A body containing 0.25g 14-carbon is discovered. How old is it? (a live person contains 1.0g 14-carbon.)
Example: How much of a 100g sample of 222 Rn is left after 12 days? (½ life = 4 days) How many half-lives is that? 33 After 4 days you have… 50g After 8 days you have… 25g After 12 days you have… 12.5g
study question 15 3-hydrogen has a half life of 12 years. How much of a 20mg sample would be left after 48 years?
Example: 1.00g 210-Po is re-examined after 276 days. Only 0.25g remain. What is the ½ life of 210-Po? How many ½ lives elapse? 1.00g 1 ½ life 0.5g 1 ½ life 0.25g 2 ½ lives 2 ½ lives = 276 days 1 ½ life = 138 days
study question 16 The ½ life of 238-Uranium is about 5 billion years. If approximately half of all 238-Uranium on earth has already decayed, how old is the earth?