Food for Thought Why should we care about our diet?
Where Is My Energy! Are you tired? Do you have a huge course load?
Do you get sick a lot?
Why do they feel so GOOD?!!!
They Eat Breakfast! Eat a good breakfast. A piece of fruit Protein, like an egg A carbohydrate, as in rice porridge, rice or noodles
Brain Power!
Great nutrition
Many illnesses are caused by not eating nutritious food Some of these illnesses are: Obesity Type 2 Diabetes Heart Disease Certain types of Cancer
What types of food are not good for us?
More unhealthy foods…
Healthy Snacks Our school will be providing healthy snacks to the student body so you can feel your best! Every break time and lunch hour we will be selling fresh fruit and healthy snacks to provide healthy choices….
Why Should We Care? 1.Tell a classmate why they should care about nutrition.