Technological-Educational Network of Extremadura CHS 2004 ANTONIO GUILLEN FRANCISCO MARTINEZ
Where is Extremadura? Autonomous Regions of Spain PORTUGALPORTUGAL FRANCE
The Educational-Technological Network is the integration of the Communication and Information Technologies in the educational system of Extremadura. To achieve this goal several steps have been taken: -Computers that constitute the network are interconnected by a Regional Intranet. -One computer for every two students that are attending middle or high school in Extremadura. -Adaptation of free system software and applications to be used in the classroom. -Programs to train teachers in the use of computers in the classroom. -Motivate teachers to create new materials to be used in the classroom. -Create a technical support for maintaining all the equipment and the network.
The Intranet Connects some sites of the regional administration including all the schools. Data can be accessed at a minimal speed of 2 Mb/s that can be increased as needed. Safe, high quality and reliable network. Firewalls. Allows the exchange of educational contents. Each school has its own server. This servers are all connected to a central computing facility. School Server Classroom School Server Classroom Administrative Support Center Teacher
The Hardware Pentium IV technology. There are almost computers already installed in all the schools. All classroom furniture and cabling has been renew.
The Software All the computers are operated with free system software called gnuLinEx based on Linus and adapted to our needs. Applications are being develop by professionals using free software.
Resources and Technical Support Continuous training for teacher, both in person and over the intranet. Creations of teaching contents by teachers and administrators that will be placed in a web site where anyone can access them. Each school site has its own technician that will keep all the equipment running and the network operational. At the same time there is technical support “via intranet” that it is able to access every computer in the net and perform maintenance work on them.
What’s next??? Let’s continue collaborating!!