Safety Rules Mrs. Burgstiner, BSN Rm. 601 Healthcare Science Technology
Safety Rules for the Classroom and Laboratory of Rm. 601 #1 Always put safety first! #2 All backpacks must be placed under the tables on the floor and purses under/on your chair or floor upon entering the classroom. #3 No student is to enter the lab until instructed to do so.
More Rules: #4 Stay out of beds, special chairs, and wheelchairs, etc. unless you have been instructed to work with them. #5 Each student is responsible for keeping the classroom and laboratory areas clean. #6 Be familiar with fire exits and extinguisher location. #7 All injuries, regardless of the extent, must be reported to the instructor immediately.
Yet Some More: #8 Any student not exercising proper work procedures will be suspended from the laboratory. #9 Proper body mechanics will be used for all lifting of patients or heavy objects, as well as when transporting by wheelchair. #10 All students will be instructed in proper use of a fire extinguisher, and the location of the nearest one.
And The Last Three but by No Means the Least: #11 Aseptic hand washing will be taught and used for all procedures and skills lab. #12 No horseplay or practical jokes will be allowed in the classroom or skills lab area. #13 Teamwork will be used at all times to meet the goals of each task presented.
Student and Parent Must Both Read and Sign Please return tomorrow Tuesday August 10 th, 2010 with all other beginning of school paperwork.