? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Science Class ? ? ? What do I need to know? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
SCHOOL RULES I enforce all school rules – make sure you pay attention when your TA teachers go over these rules.
Classroom Rules Be on time Be prepared Be in your seat Be on task Be respectful
1&3. Be in your seat when the bell rings. All students in their seats when the tardy bell stops ringing will not be marked tardy.
2. Bring your books and materials to class. Students will bring all needed materials to class everyday. Science book Science folder Planner Pencil Paper
4&5. Don’t interrupt others’ right to Learn or my right to teach. Everyone has to be on their best behavior in a science classroom in order to provide a safe learning environment for all.
5. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
5. The teacher, not the bell dismisses the class Your desks should look like this before you leave the room. Chairs in No trash Neat Clean
Praise from the teacher A call home from the teacher Class Recognition REWARDS !!!! Praise from the teacher A call home from the teacher Class Recognition
Verbal Warning Change in Seating A Call to your Parent Consequences Verbal Warning Change in Seating A Call to your Parent Meeting with Parent Referral to Office
Grading The school grading scale will be used. In science F 93% 90% 87% 83% 80% 77% 73% 70% 67% 63% 60% < 60 The school grading scale will be used. In science 40% of your grade is Tests Lowest Test Score will be dropped 30% Class Work: Chapter Notebooks Labs Activities 30% Participation
Citizenship Grade These things will cause your Citizenship Grade to go down: Unprepared Tardies Truancy Behavior Problems Cheating
Planner Copy the planner entry every day off of the board I will check planners every two weeks for a grade. If you are absent, copy the planner entry for the days you are absent (then you will know what you missed.)
Absent Policy YOU are responsible for getting your make-up work when you are absent. From mamanakis-science.wikispaces.com Any work turned in 5 school days after an absence will be marked late.
Communication You and your parents can communicate to me through e-mail (I check it several times a day) stmamanakis@wsd.net My Website: http://mamanakis-science.wikispaces.com/
Home work Homework Go to http://mamanakisscience.wikispaces.com/ and print off the disclosure statement, have it signed by you parents and return it by Friday! You can google mamanakis-science and it is the first link!