Tucker Classroom Procedures Summer School
Entering the Room Take care of all personal business before coming to class. Come prepared to learn. Enter quietly. Login to computers. Begin work immediately.
Leaving the Room I will dismiss one row at a time. Students must be in their chairs. Each row must be clean and in order before students will be dismissed.
Trash Please place all trash on the corner of your desk. I will collect it as I go around the room. Before break and at the end of class, pick up all trash and dispose of it in the trash can upon leaving the room. You will not be dismissed until the room is clean.
Chairs Do not get our of your chair without permission. Do not roll around in your chair.
Sharpening Pencils Sharpen your pencil before class. If during class your pencil needs to be sharpened, raise your hand. I will trade a sharpened pencil for yours. At the end of class, we will exchange back.
Give Me Five 1. Quiet 2. Listen 3. Eyes on speaker 4. Hands free 5. Be still
Raise Your Hand Do not do the following: –Scream across the room –Beat on the wall or desk –Snap fingers – Interrupt a conversation –Tell others to shut up –Raise your voice above others
Student Folders Each student will be given a folder. All work will be returned through the students’ folders. Folders are stored in the class keeper.
Work A diagnostic test will be given at the beginning of the week. The better you do on the diagnostic test, the less work you get for the week. All lessons should be completed by the end of class on Friday.
Notes You are required to take notes on each lesson. Those notes count as daily grades. You will be allowed to use your notes on the Odyssey quizzes. At the end of a quiz, raise your hand to show me your quiz grade and turn in your notes.
Grading Daily work counts as 50% of your grade. Odyssey quizzes count as 50% of your grade. At the end of each week, you will be given an average for that week. At the end of the 3 week period, those 3 weekly averages will be averaged together to obtain your final grade for summer school.
Computer Usage The computers are to be used for class work only. There is no need to be on the Internet. There is no time to play games.
Consequences 1. Warning 2. Zero for daily work 3. Office referral
School Rules All normal school rules apply including the restriction on cell phone usage. There is no detention. If you choose to break a rule, you will be sent to the office. No student will be allowed to disturb the learning of others.