New Nation School, Site
Nursery School Currently housing senior school Playing field Bus drop off point Site of Senior School Site of Junior School Plan of New Nation School
Playing field Nursery school Currently being used as senior school Yrs 7 & 8 Yrs 9 & 10 Main hall at back Yr 11 & staff room Science lab at back
Nursery school building Arks Housing sixth form & study rooms
Within the Nursery school building; Classrooms.
Each classroom has a blackboard, notice board, chairs and tables.
Windows are large and open out into the corridor or courtyard. Glass is yet to be fitted.
Ceilings Are wooden and in all classrooms and corridors are incomplete. Eventually these will beams will be plastered over and fans fixed.
Science Lab
School Hall Used for assemblies, clubs and a lunch hall
Some walkways are landscaped
Playing field – to be developed for PE lessons and other sporting activities.
Beyond the playing field, are the foundations of the junior school and senior school.
Foundations so far...
New building project – this will be a junior school classroom. Hopefully very soon...
Area where concrete is mixed for bricks to build the walls
A wall has been started around the property protecting it from ambitious construction. This wall is in part and some areas are yet to be built.