Do Now: Do Now: What are some features that result from Plate movements? A. Mountain building – formed from pressure of crustal movements. 1. Folding – the process of squeezing rocks into folds. Ex:Himalayas, Alps, Rockies formed from folding. a.Anticlines – upfolds b. Synclines - downfolds
2. Faulting – a crack in the earth’s surface along which movement has occurred. Faulting often takes place along boundaries between crustal plates. Movements of these plates at their boundaries cause faulting.
Aim: What are the different types of Plate Boundaries? I. Plate Boundaries A. Plate Boundary – where two plates meet. B. Diverging Boundaries – where two lithospheric plates are moving apart. 1. Cause mid-ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise) 2. Rift valley – both the boundary between the lithospheric plates and the place where the new rocks form and push older rocks aside.
C. Sliding Boundaries – the lithospheric plates are sliding past each other. 1. In California the NA plate and the Pacific Plate are sliding past each other along the San Andreas fault. D. Convergent Boundaries (Collision) – when two plates come together. 1. Collision Boundary – when 2 plates carrying continents converge to form a single landmass (mountains).
E. Convergent Boundaries (Subduction) Subduction 1. Subduction boundary is when one plate plunges down under another overriding plate. 2. Deep sea trenches are a result of this 4. Conversion of Two Oceanic Plates : a.Overriding plate forms a chain of volcanoes b. The subduction plate is pulled down to form a trench (ex: Pacific Plate is subducting under the Phillipine Plate.) 3. Earthquakes at subduction boundaries have deep origins
5. Conversion of an Ocean Plate with a Continental Plate : a.Denser ocean plate subsides underneath continental plate forming a trench. b. A mountain chain is formed on the overriding continental crust.