HLG-MOS, Nizhny Novgorod, June 2014 Experiences with CSPA.


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Presentation transcript:

HLG-MOS, Nizhny Novgorod, June 2014 Experiences with CSPA

CSPA status in Stat Netherlands – CSPA is rather new … – SN participated in GSBPM, GSIM and CSPA efforts ‐ GSIM sprints 1, 2 & integration V1.0 ‐ GSIM sprint V1.1 ‐ CSPA Architecture Sprint ‐ CSPA PoC: delivered (wrapped) a service ‐ CSPA project 2014: will deliver 3 services – Some advocates, but general adoption by internal organisation is slow – SN does not have any CSPA compliant services in production yet 2

No CSPA services yet … 3

CSPA is promising, but it does not … – … help to identify the “right” building blocks – … help solve the conflicts of interest (short – long term) – … help build trust in service providers – … tell us how to change behaviour – It’s hard to identify the scope and granularity of services – Business process owners have short term interests – Business process owners want total control over their process; therefor they are reluctant to “outsource” or become dependent on others for the execution of their process – Business and IT alike need to change (culture, behaviour) – Shared software and services need support 4

Start at the business layer – Business process developers need to start designing processes in a different way. – Experience at SN shows that this in itself delivers benefits (MUST: hrs rebuild -> hrs total redesign) – For this, process developers need to be re-trained. ‐ GSIM is not the first priority. GSBPM helps, but learning to think in terms of “standard process steps” is key. – Re-use of building block “concepts” will help others, but requires change of behaviour: documenting, sharing 5

IT comes next, but can start preparing – CSPA still allows a lot of freedom, further standardisation is needed for technical platforms and protocols. – Most NSI’s do have their own infra standards – Most NSI’s (like SN) do not have an orchestration infra – What approach for selecting the services to invest in? ‐ Darwinistic “survival of the fittest”, vs ‐ Planned “blueprint” ‐ CSPA investor role? – Despite many attempts (MSIS) software sharing is not a major success … 6

Summary – CSPA is still rather new – SN is still struggling to understand and find an approach – Many questions still need to be answered, many obstacles still to be taken, many sceptics to be convinced – But there is a growing number of people in SN that believe in the potential, and the need for change. – My advice is to start at the business layer: “business process redesign the CSPA way”. 7