Teleoperation In Mixed Initiative Systems
What is teleoperation? Remote operation of robots by humans Can be very difficult for human operator Possible Applications: Surgery Space Military Can machine learning techniques help? Interleave AI at appropriate times Provides relief for the human operator
Objectives A system which assumes some control while still allowing the human operator to make high level decisions Describe low level actions in an abstract way such that the representation is grounded in control The controller is used as a descriptive and interpretative mechanism
Related Questions Can teleoperation assist in training and the formation of control policies? Can the manipulation constraints of objects be learned through incremental interaction? How do we integrate human and automated control to take advantage of their respective strengths?
The Plan View the environment with robot head and two cameras Use data glove and position orientation sensor to track hand motion and finger flexion Perform object manipulation tasks from which the robot can learn the main points of the action.
Progress Ported old data glove code to new linux kernel. Created a new C++ interface for robot head as well as the orientation system. Coded a program to log information from the data glove and orientation system. Started working on adding control to simulated 3D robot environments.