Human-Robot Interaction Dr. Vladimir Lumelsky National Science Foundation
Tele-operation is an important area of human-robot interaction But, human spatial reasoning skills are rather limited. Intelligence is need on the robot side
Here, human spatial reasoning is acceptable for controlling a small vehicle, with a bird’s view of the maze.S.S T
... but human performance is hardly acceptable here
…and it’s worse in controlling manipulators/machines
2D manipulator...Virtual...Physical
Human performance in 2D manipulator control
Nearly optimal path
More complex machines make motion planning only harder
Needs and Questions Robotics community needs appreciation of the human side: psychology, cognition, fatigue, acceptance, rejection, role of sophistication, learning, logic, spatial reasoning. Studies are needed of limits of human cognition skills when manipulating physical objects: spatial, logical, temporal. We need to define and start cognitive science research necessary for development of human-machine systems. Example. We want to put a robot in an elderly person's apartment: What responsibilities/skills are expected from the person, and which must be given to the robot?