Magnetism from Electricity Objectives: Describe the relationship between an electric current and a magnetic field. Identify common devices that demonstrate this relationship.
Challenge Question Explain how the door bell works by explain what is happening at each step
Challenge Question Mod Explain how the door bell works by explain what is happening at each step. Put the steps in the correct order ____ the arm lands back on the metal screw allowing the process to restart ____ the flow of electrons turns the coiled wire into a magnet ____ As the arm lifts, the circuit is broken and electrons cannot flow so the coil is no longer a magnet and the arm is released. ____ the electrons are stored in the the power source ____ the metal bar is attracted to the magnet lifting the arm and ringing the bell ____ push the switch to release the electrons
Connection Why are electromagnets more practical than permanent magnets?
Connection Why are electromagnets more practical than permanent magnets? A. They can be made stronger then permanent magnets B. They can lift extremely heavy loads C. They can be turned on and off as needed D. If they are dropped they would not loose their magnetic properties
Vocabulary Electromagnetism Solenoid Electromagnet Electric motor
Activities/Assignments Electromagnet Lab Build a Motor Click on picture for video Click here for directions Magnetism from Electricity