Murray Avenue School - 7 th Grade Fine Art Course Description: Along with the Lower Moreland Township School District Art Curriculum, and the Pennsylvania State Standards, 7th Grade art this year will build on concepts learned in Kindergarten through 6th grades. Use of the elements and principles of design to create successful works of art will be reinforced. This year will be spent studying LINE; one of the most significant building blocks of all works of art. We will look at how lines are all around us, creating shapes, value, perspective & depth. We will create projects based on inspiration from various countries around the world. Assessment: Grades will be based on: Successful completion of all major assignments. Handouts Class Participation Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions, concerns or input. Please know that I may contact your parents if I have a negative or positive concern. Your positive attitude and involvement in all activities is expected! Elements of design include: Line, Color, Shape, Value, Texture, Shape & Form. Principles of design include: Pattern, Rhythm, Unity, Movement, Balance, Contrast & Emphasis.
Course Syllabus Week 1 – November 15 th – 19 th Introductions, Self-Portraits Review of Elements & Principles Photographing Line CONTOUR Line Drawings Week 2 – November 22 nd & 23 rd Review of Types of LINE Watercolor Painting: Using ONE Color Group Week 3 – November 29 th – December 3 rd Inspiration: Picasso’s “Guernica” VALUE Scale Contour Drawings Group Mural Week 4 – December 6 th – 10 th Inspiration: Rose Windows Radial SYMMETRY Creating a Relief Sculpture Week 5 – December 13 th – 17 th Inspiration: Japanese Landscapes Using Ink (Value) to create DEPTH Creating a Signature Stamp
Week 6 – December 20 th – 23 rd Inspiration: City of Choice One & Two Point Perspective Shapes Cityscape Drawing in PERSPECTIVE Week 7 – January 3 rd – 7 th Complete CITYSCAPE Add Mural in Perspective Week 8 – January 10 th – 14 th Complete Cityscape Week 9 – January 18 th – 21 st Inspiration: The Rubik’s Cube Sketching using Line & Shape Creating a Sculpture using SLABS Week 10 – January 24 th – 28 th Paint Clay Rubik’s Cube