S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS 6:30WelcomeLuis Mejia and Rick Gibb Introduction to the iFarm Teams Program Quick overview of the iFarm Teams program Tonight’s objective is simple: Meet, greet, and learn 7:00Special Guest SpeakerDr. Jeannie Kahwajy 7:50Program Q&ALuis Mejia and Rick Gibb 8:00Conclude
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS Unique model to help move technologies from the lab to the marketplace Not an incubator – not an accelerator A disruptive model for innovation
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS Who Can Participate – Stanford students – Faculty – Staff – Alumni – Other qualified individuals
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS Why participate? For Students: – get hands-on experience moving a new technology towards commercial reality – learn about intellectual property, licensing, business models
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS Why participate? For Alumni: – Apply your work experience to help Stanford further its research and education mission – Use your real world experience to help students learn about marketing, sales or manufacturing
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS Why participate? For everybody – Network with Stanford Community members – Possibly be involved with starting up a company around a Stanford technology – Be a part of helping to move technology forward for public use and benefit
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS How do the iFarm Teams work? Meet your Team Assign roles – Designate a Liaison Pick a technology – Interact with OTL Licensing Associates and Stanford Inventors Determine your iFarm Team plan (Expected Outcomes) – Is the technology a licensing play? – Is there an unidentified killer app? – Do you want to build a prototype? – Do you want to develop business models for a possible startup? – Something else? Present your work
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS iFarm Teams Fall 2013 Upcoming Important Dates: Progress Report: Invention First Cut (2/Team Member) Speaker TBA on Patents and Licensing Oct. 1 Speaker – Steve Blank on Business Model Generation Invention Final Selection Report Due Oct. 14 Progress Report Due – Game Plan Cont.Nov. 5 Team Mini Briefing Speaker – TBA on VC Pitch Nov. 19 Speaker – Matt Abrahams on Effective Presentations Dec. 10 Final PresentationsJan. 14, 2014 See iFarm Teams homepage for meeting times and locations
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS Rules The iFarm Team program is completely voluntary; there is no compensation for participation; Team members must identify themselves as iFarm Team Program volunteers when introducing themselves to Stanford inventors. The Stanford inventions remain the property of the University. Improvements to existing inventions would be governed by the University’s IP policy (Note: Focus of program is not inventing). The iFarm Team members are expected to commit to participating for 5 months. If the iFarm Teams do not intend to create a startup around their iFarm Team invention, Stanford may use the iFarm Team work product to continue to try to license the technology.
S TANFORD U NIVERSITY I NNOVATION F ARM T EAMS “Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” Demosthenes