Welcome to Year 2 Welcome parents and thank them for coming to the meeting. Explain the meeting is to let the parents know what we are expecting from the children and parents and what they can expect from the school
Behaviour expectations Good manners Respect To follow school and class rules Honesty Kind hands, feet and heart Good listening skills Behaviour management strategies in school The school expects a high standard of behaviour at all times This includes Good manners – for example saying please and thank you not grunting Respect – Not just for teachers but for all staff and each other To follow school and class rules - these are written in order to aid children's learning and for their health and safety. Honesty – this works with having respect and receiving respect Kind hands, feet and heart - we expect the children to not hurt others physically or mentally Good listening skills – This shows respect, it also shows willing to learn. In school we have a number of ways of rewarding the children such as House points- all children are in a house and the receive house points for following school and class rules , good manners and good work. The point are collected in and there are half Termly treats for the winning house for children who have consistently followed the rules. Good work assemblies – this is for high quality work to be shared with the whole school. Stickers and certificates. In class if children show poor behaviour there are a set of sanctions that are followed Warnings a dot cross timeout table and sent out. For particularly bad behaviour, children may be sent out or referred to the slt.
School work Handwriting Spelling Self assessment Pride Effort In June 2010 SAT’s Children are expected to produce work of a certain standard by year 2 particular focus areas are Handwriting – Children are expected to use handwriting of a consistent size that sits on the line. Spelling - if children have difficulty spelling a word they need to use their independent learning skills and use a dictionary to find the correct spelling Self assessment – children are expected to assess their own work by using the traffic light system (POINT OUT DISPLAY AND EXPLAIN) Children should take pride in their work it should be something they wish to celebrate they should strive to complete a good standard of work always. This will be celebrated in Special assemblies. SAT ‘s - Refer to hand out - children will be assessed on their reading, short writing , long writing handwriting spelling and maths. Homework set will be based on work set that week and aimed to develop their skills in preparation for SAT’s
Attendance and Punctuality Regular attendance Punctuality School starts 8:55am School finishes 3:15pm After school clubs finish at 4.15pm Regular attendance –It is important that children attend school regularly in order for them to progress. Children can miss vital aspects of learning by missing school. It is therefore that your child attends school everyday unless they have an illness. More seriously Parents are committing an offence if they fail to ensure their child's regular attendance at school which can lead to fines. Punctuality – children need to ensure that they are on time when arriving to school, if your child is regularly late this can have an affect on their learning for example it is regularly late to Numeracy lessons the will miss the explanation of how to complete their work. This will then have an effect on other children as they will miss out on support as your child has to be shown what to do because they are late. Children must be collected on time - children get very worried when they are not picked up on time and also it prevents staff from getting on with work after school or attending staff meetings please ensure you are prompt
Homework One piece of Literacy or Numeracy homework Times tables Spellings Home reading books Your child will be given one piece of literacy or Numeracy work based on what they have learnt that week, it will be given on a Friday and handed in on Wednesday. The children will be expected to place it into the homework box as they enter the class room. Children will also receive spellings and times tables to learn for the next week. Spellings and timetables will be tested on Friday. Children will be expected to change their home reading book independently when they have finished reading it and their record has been signed by an adult. They will have an opportunity to do this in guided reading sessions. show reading record sheets. Children can purchase a homework folder for £1 . It has a zip pocket larger space for work and letters and an area to put your children's name in. all children need these
Levels Year 1 levels on school report Year 2 Autumn term Encourage Support Targets Children will have been assessed as being at a certain level at the end of year 1. This will have been written on your Childs school report. Children receive 3 levels writing reading and Numeracy. For a child to be on track in year 2 they need to be working at a level in autumn. DISPLAY ON TRACK GUIDE. In class you can expect me to differentiate the work for the children, regularly assess the children and give feedback and support to the children. I expect you to help your children by encouraging them to read, this can be magazines newspapers comics books, helping your child to complete homework, helping your child to learn their times tables and their spellings. Children will be given targets to help them to progress to achieve their goal. These may be in the form of small lessons targets, ongoing targets, behaviour targets… these targets are used to help your child to progress in their learning and in their self growth.
PE kit PE is on a Monday and Wednesday White or blue t-shirt Blue/ black shorts Black pumps PE kit can be taken home on a Friday to wash but must be returned the following Monday. Water bottles PE bags
Year 2 pack Supporting school work Reading prompt questions Topics Useful websites Multiplication square and number grid Spellings SAT’s information Library Taking an active interest in your child’s learning
Thank you