COLORS Day Care Karina Izaguirre Jake Morales Summer 2009
Contact Information Telephone #: Fax #: Website:
Business Background Business located in Pearland, Tx 10 years in business – since 1999 Average of 60 kids on site Age Groups: Birth – less than 1 year 1 year – less than 3 years Pre-K – 3 years – less than 5 years School-age – 5 yrs+
Business Needs Business information is maintained manually vs an electronic database Needs: –“real time” access to most “up-to-date” customer information –Better management of material needs –Better management of Emergency Contact Information –Better management of Payments
Business Solutions The solution is to create a database which can perform the following functions: –Input customer data in a one-stop data entry screen for quick and easy access to important customer information in response to emergencies and other needs
Business Solutions The solution is to create a database which: –Maintains all inventory of materials needed for each class and usage is tracked and monitored in order to maintain a steady supply of inventory needed and also manage costs more effectively by reducing waste.
Business Solutions The solution is to create a database which can: –Maintain Emergency Contact information for each child to ensure immediate and appropriate notification to that person.
Business Solutions The solution is to create a database which can perform the following functions: –Accounts Receivables: Produce reports of customers who are overdue on payments –Accounts Payables Produce reports for payments due to vendors
Business Value The business value of incorporating a database system that performs these functions is as follows: –Reduce time spent tracking data manually, thus reduces costs, thus more profit! –Better management of costs results in more efficient operation and thus more profit! –Better customer service thus more business and more profit! IT MAKES BUSINESS “CENTS”!
Special Issues The database system must be: –User friendly –Cost efficient –Reliable
Entities Child Class Materials Invoice Employees Payment
Entities and Attributes ChildClassMaterialsInvoicesEmployeesPayments ChildIDClassIDMaterialIDInvoice IDEmployeeIDPaymentID LNameClass TypeDescriptionClass typeLnameInvoice ID FNameFeeSubcategoryAmount BilledFnameAmount Paid AddressPriceDate BilledSSNDate Paid CityChild IDAddressBalance Due StateCity ZipCodeState Home #Zip Mobile #Telephone ParentPay Parent Contact # Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact #
Local Design (E-R Diagram) Child M Payment Class Employee Invoice Enrollsrequires N receives taught by Is made 1 1 MM1 N M M Materials
Physical Design Child (ChildID, Lname, Fname, Address, City, State, ZipCode, Telephone, Emergency Contact, Emergency Tel# Class (ClassID, Enrollment Type, Fee, Materials (MaterialID, Description, Subcategory, Price) Invoices (InvoiceID, Enrollment type, Amount Billed, Date Billed, ChildID) Employees (EmployeeID, Lname, Fname, SSN, Certification ID, Address, City, State, Zip, Telephone, Pay) Payments (PaymentID, InvoiceID, Amount Paid, Date Paid, Balance Due) Class-Materials (ClassType, MaterialID) Employee – Class (Employee ID, Class ID)
Entity - Relationships
Table 1 – Child Table
Table 2 – Materials Table
Report 1 - A report that shows all the children sorted by last name and their respective emergency contact name and #
Report 2- Invoices Table
Form 1 – Child Information Form Can search for each child: ie: Search for Jordan by entering “Jordan” in “filter” box and it brings you to record #4 which is child Michael Jordan. Click on “new record” icon to create a new record for a new child
Form 2 – Employee Information Form Can setup a form data entry screen for each entity
Query 1 – Query for Diapers from Materials Table Input “Diapers” to query and get the desired results Resulting Query
Query 2 – Query for balance due in ascending order