High-throughput Screening of Soluble Recombinant Proteins Protein Science, 2002, vol 11, YAN-PING SHIH,1 WEN-MEI KUNG,1 JUI-CHUAN CHEN, CHIA-HUI YEH,ANDREW H.-J. WANG Speaker: Chung-Sheng Liu 2002/10/29
Introduction The function of a gene is manifested by the protein it encodes. Genome sequencing of many organisms has led to the concept of analyzing protein function on a genome-wide scale. Structural genomics and proteomics, therefore, have become major research foci.
Cloning and expression in Escherichia coli Advantage : - has relatively simple genetics, is well characterized - has a relatively rapid growth rate - has few post-translational protein modifications Disadvantage : - expressing heterologous proteins in E.coli are frequently expressed as insoluble aggregated folding intermediates, known as inclusion bodies
Blunt-End PCR 5’AATTC CTCGA3’ 3’TTAAG GAGCT5’ PCR product Enzyme digestion 5’AATTC C3’ 3’G GAGCT5’ Subcloning
General cloning strategy of HP TargetS-tagHis Protease cleavage site Top10 T-vector pET BL21 Ligation
Sticky-End PCR: New Method for Subcloning ~25% final product carries two cohesive ends Ligation with vectors which had been double digested and were dephosphorylated by calf intestine alkaline phosphatase T4 polynucleotide kinase + ATP
Sticky-end PCR and directional cloning methods’ advantages Simpler: It allows direct cloning of PCR products into multiple expression vectors. It is more accurate in theory and also in practice.
Eight different fusion protein expression vectors and Three type host strains JM109(DE3): both plasmid preparation and protein expression BL21-Gold(DE3) or -CondonPlus(DE3): alleviate codon bias or toxicity
His (histidine) : pET-28a (Novagen) Trx (thioredoxin) : pET-32a (Novagen) NusA (NusA protein) : pET-43.1a (Novagen) CAP (cellulose-associated protein) : pET-35b2 (Novagen) CBP (calmodulin binding protein) : pET-22b+ (Novagen) Intein (chitin binding tag) : pTYB11(NEB) MBP (maltose-binding protein) : pMAL-C2XC (NEB) GST (glutathione S-transferase) : pGEX-4T (Pharmacia) Eight fusion protein expression vectors
~40 genes into eight expression vectors ( >300 cloning reactions) >95% success cloning rate >80% highly express and soluble these target protein: kD
Lane 1: whole cell lysates of induced cells Lane 2: whole cell lysates of uninduced cells Lane 3: soluble proteins with induction Fusion Proteins Solubility Test
NusA(54kD): 60% MBP (42kD): 60% GST (24kD): 38% #90,000g ultracentrifugal force: eliminate partially folded protein aggregates Statistical Analysis of Soluble Protein Ratio
Two steps of affinity purification TagTargetHis Protease cleavage site N terminal--C terminal fusion protein: 5~20mg/l LB >90% purity
Summary No restriction digestion of the PCR products. All target genes can be directionally cloned into eight different fusion protein expression vectors using two universal restriction sites and with high efficiency (>95%).
Summary 80% of the genes screened show high levels of expression of soluble products in at least one of the eight fusion protein constructs. High-speed centrifugation in a 96-tube format is well suited for automation and is applicable for the production of large numbers of proteins for genome-wide analysis.
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