Microsoft Access 2013 ®® Tutorial 12 Managing and Securing a Database
XP Objectives Session 12.1 – Filter data in a table and a form – Save a filter as a query and apply the saved query as a filter – Create a subquery – Create a multivalued field New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 20132
XP Objectives Session 12.2 – Create an Attachment field – Use an AutoNumber field – Save a database as a previous version – Analyze a database’s performance – Link a database to a table in another database – Use the Linked Table Manager – Split a database – Encrypt a database with a password – Set database properties and startup options New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 20133
XP Managing and Securing a Database Case - Chatham Community Health Services Administering the Health Database User would like to add multivalued fields and Attachment fields and has concerns about database management, database security, and the database’s overall performance. You’ll also set database properties and startup options to complete the development of the Health database New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 20134
XP Managing and Securing a Database (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 20135
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Managing and Securing a Database (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Filtering Data Using an AutoFilter in a Table Datasheet – Advanced Filter/Sort lets you specify multiple selection criteria and specify a sort order for selected records
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Filtering Data (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Filtering Data (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Filtering Data (Cont.) Saving a Filter as a Query
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Filtering Data (Cont.) Applying a Filter Saved as a Query
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Creating a SubQuery Subquery – When you place a second SELECT statement inside of a SELECT statement – Known as an inner query – First SELECT statement is known as the parent query or outer query
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Creating a SubQuery (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Creating a SubQuery (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Creating a SubQuery (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Creating a SubQuery (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Using Multivalued Fields Multivalued Field – A lookup field that allows you to store more than one value
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Using Multivalued Fields (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Using Multivalued Fields (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Using Multivalued Fields (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Using Multivalued Fields (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Using Multivalued Fields (Cont.)
XP New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Using Multivalued Fields (Cont.)
XP Database Properties New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Creating an Attachment Field New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Attachment Data Type – Attaches one or more files to a table record
XP Creating an Attachment Field (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Creating an Attachment Field (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Using an AutoNumber Field New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Autonumber – the default ID primary key field – Automatically inserts a unique number in this field for every record in the table
XP Using an AutoNumber Field (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Using an AutoNumber Field (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Saving an Access Database as a Previous Version New Perspectives on Microsoft Access The default file format for databases you create in Access 2013 uses the.accdb filename extension – Referred to as the Access 2007 file format – None of the versions of Access prior to Access 2007 can open a database that has the.accdb filename extension. – You can save an.accdb database to a format that is compatible with previous versions of Access—.mdb filename extension – When Access 2007 file format database uses features such as multivalued and Attachment fields, you cannot save the database in a previous version
XP Analyzing Database Performance with the Performance Analyzer New Perspectives on Microsoft Access The Performance Analyzer is an Access tool that you can use to optimize the performance of an Access database
XP Analyzing Database Performance with the Performance Analyzer (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Analyzing Database Performance with the Performance Analyzer (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Analyzing Database Performance with the Performance Analyzer (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Linking Tables and Using the Linked Table Manager New Perspectives on Microsoft Access A linked table is a table that is stored in a file outside the open database and that can be updated from the open database – You can retrieve and update (add, change, and delete) records in a linked table, but you can’t change its structure
XP Linking Tables and Using the Linked Table Manager (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Linking Tables and Using the Linked Table Manager (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Linking Tables and Using the Linked Table Manager (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP The Database Splitter splits an Access database into two files: one file contains the tables, and the other file contains the queries, forms, reports, and other database objects – Users can have their own copies of the other file and add their own queries, reports, and other objects to handle their processing needs – The database that contains the tables is called the back- end database – The database that contains the other objects, including the user interface, is called the front-end database Using the Database Splitter New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Using the Database Splitter (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Using the Database Splitter (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Securing an Access Database New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Security refers to the protection of a database against unauthorized access, either intentional or accidental Encryption translates the data in a database to a scrambled format that’s indecipherable to a word processor or other program and stores it in an encrypted format Decrypting a database reverses the encryption Passwords can be assigned to the database to prevent unauthorized access to the database
XP Securing an Access Database (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Shared access of the database with others allows two or more users to open and use the same database at the same time Exclusive access prevents other users from opening and using the database at the same time – Clicking the Open option in the list allows you to select how the database is opened Reading includes any database action that does not involve updating the database
XP Securing an Access Database (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Locking denies access by other users to data while Access processes one user’s updates to the database Row-level locking denies access by other users to the table rows one user is in the process of updating – Other users can update the database simultaneously as long as the rows they need to update are not being updated, and therefore not being locked, by other users at the same time
XP Setting the Database Properties and Startup Options New Perspectives on Microsoft Access Startup options take place when a database opens – You can: Specify the name that appears in the Access window title bar Prevent users from using the Navigation Pane Specify a form that is automatically opened when you open a database Disable the Enable error checking property, which checks for design errors in forms and reports and alerts you to errors by displaying the Error Checking Options button
XP Setting the Database Properties and Startup Options (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Setting the Database Properties and Startup Options (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access
XP Setting the Database Properties and Startup Options (Cont.) New Perspectives on Microsoft Access