Section A. Responses Read one chapter of Darwin's Origin of the Species at s/darwin-charles/the-origin-of- species/ to find out how Darwin's theory of evolution explains the variety of plant and animal life and the similarities? s/darwin-charles/the-origin-of- species/ Read Genesis at y/projects/ftrials/scopes/gen1st. htm to explain the creation of the many species of plant and animal life according to the Bible? It is the section on the right. y/projects/ftrials/scopes/gen1st. htm Name _________________________________________________________ date __________ per. ____
Section B. Responses How was the teaching of evolution banned in 1925? How was the law challenged? In Tennessee, in March 1925, state legislators passed a law banning the teaching of evolution. After reading the 1925 Tennessee Law which can be found at y/projects/ftrials/scopes/tennst at.htm and answer the following questions: y/projects/ftrials/scopes/tennst at.htm 1. What types of schools were prohibited from teaching the subject matter in question? 2. How did the state of Tennessee "define" evolution? 3. If convicted, what was the penalty for breaking this law? 4. Scroll further down the page for an additional document. Describe this document and its contents. Name _________________________________________________________ date __________ per. ____
Section C. Response How was the teaching of After reading about Mr. Rappalyea at lty/projects/ftrials/scopes/SCO _RAPP.HTM, who was one person who helped set up the challenge to the law, explain why and how he arranged this challenge lty/projects/ftrials/scopes/SCO _RAPP.HTM Name _________________________________________________________ date __________ per. ____
Section D. Responses Read the NY Times article, from May 25, 1925, "Scopes is Indicted in Tennessee For Teaching Evolution,” which can be found at g/general/onthisday/990525ont hisday_big.html Answer these questions: g/general/onthisday/990525ont hisday_big.html 1. What do the headline and subheadlines tell us about this event in history? 2. What were the charges of the indictment? 3. What was believed as "truth" regarding the creation of man at this time, as presented in this article? 4. Why, according to Judge Raulston, was it "not within their province to inquire into the policy or the wisdom of the legislation"? 5. What adjectives are used in the article to describe Scopes' teaching practices? Name _________________________________________________________ date __________ per. ____
Section D, continued Responses 6. Analyze this quotation from the trial: "The school room is not only a place to develop the power of thought, but also a place to develop discipline, power of restraint and character. If a teacher openly and flagrantly violates the law of the land in the exercise of his profession, this example cannot be wholesome upon the undeveloped mind and naturally tends to create and breed a spirit of disregard for good order and a want of respect for necessary discipline and restraint in our body politic." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What other examples can you think of in which a teacher might "openly and flagrantly violate the law of the land in the exercise of his profession"? 7. Why does the judge suggest to the jurors that they "should not be concerned as to the attitude of the accused as to whether or not he is willing or unwilling to be indicted"? 8. Do you think that it could be possible "to investigate this alleged offense without prejudice or bias and with open minds" in a case in which religious belief is being challenged by science? Why or why not? (Questions are from the NY Times learning site.) Name _________________________________________________________ date __________ per. ____
Section E. Responses Read the NY Times article from July 21, 1925, "Scopes Guilty...." found at ng/general/onthisday/ onthisday_big.html ng/general/onthisday/ onthisday_big.html Take notes as you read in order to answer this question: What was the outcome of the "Scopes Trial?" Read the NY Times article from August 12, 1999, "Kansas votes to Delete Evolution From State's Science Curriculum," found at ng/general/featured_articles/ Amonday.html. Take notes as you read in order to answer this question: How and why has the teaching of evolution been "banned" in Kansas in August 1999? ng/general/featured_articles/ Amonday.html Read the NY Times article from August 16, 1999, "It's a fact: Faith and Theory Collide over Evolution." Found at ng/general/featured_articles/ monday.html ng/general/featured_articles/ monday.html Take notes as you read in order to answer this question: What are some reasons why evolution should be taught in high schools and not banned? Name _________________________________________________________ date __________ per. ____
Section F. How are the facts surrounding the "Scopes" trial similar and different from Inherit the Wind? Go to the Scopes trial site at for more information. Inherit the WindScopes Trial Name _________________________________________________________ date __________ per. ____ Adapted from