Any inappropriate, unwanted, or cruel behavior (verbal or physical) that targets a person or group of people. Can you think of examples of harassment?
How do people feel when they are the victim of harassment? How do people feel when they see someone else being harassed? How does harassment affect the school environment?
Is a very serious offense If found guilty of harassment, you are automatically suspended from school Includes sexual harassment and harassment in the form of intimidation and bullying
Occurs when unwelcomed sexual or gender- directed conduct or communication interferes with an individual’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment Can occur adult to students, student to adult, student to student, adult to adult, male to female, female to male, male to male, and female to female
May include but is not limited to: Demands for sexual favors in exchange for preferential treatment or something of value Stating or implying that a person will lose something if he or she does not submit to a sexual request Penalizing a person for refusing to submit to a sexual advance, or providing a benefit to someone who does
Making unwelcomed, offensive or inappropriate sexually suggestive remarks, comments, gestures or jokes; or remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s appearance, gender, or conduct Using derogatory sexual term for a person Standing too close, inappropriately touching, cornering or stalking a person Displaying offensive or inappropriate sexual illustrations on school property
Can be done informally or formally Informally ▪ Tell a staff member Formally ▪ Made in writing ▪ An investigation of the complaint takes place and is resolved ▪ If it is unable to be resolved according to the satisfaction of the complainant, the superintendent takes further action ▪ Corrective measures, as deemed necessary, will be taken within 30 days
“A person is guilty of harassment (and will be charged with a misdemeanor) if: (a) Without lawful authority, the person knowingly threatens: (i) To cause bodily injury immediately or in the future to the person threatened or to any other person; or (ii) To cause physical damage to the property of a person other than the actor; or (iii) To subject the person threatened or any other person to physical confinement or restraint; or (iv) Maliciously to do any other act which is intended to substantially harm the person threatened or another with respect to his or her physical or mental health or safety; and (b) The person by words or conduct places the person threatened in reasonable fear that the threat will be carried out. "Words or conduct" includes, in addition to any other form of communication or conduct, the sending of an electronic communication.”
Policies are in place to protect those who are involved in schools, businesses, organizations, etc. from experiencing unwanted and inappropriate behavior. While all policies will vary, the purpose remains the same. Remember to consult your handbook for the school harassment policy and directions for reporting it.